Fear Session

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I woke up to a guard opening my cell door and grabbing me then pushing me out into the hallway. We walked to Crane's office, the guard opened the door and pushed me inside then closed the door.

Crane's office was plain, a rug, a desk, two desk chairs, a lot of filing cabinets, and one small in window. I waited for two minutes, until he came in holding his briefcase and taking out papers which looked like my file.

"How are you this morning Ms.Johnson?" He asked taking out piles of cloth sewed together to make some kind of mask, and took out a can filled with something.

"What is your fear?" He asked me as he put on the mask.

"Hahahahaha! You think that I have a FEAR, that's rich Crane!" I cackled. If he only knew. He sprayed the can in my face, I fell back out of the chair and onto the floor coughing wildly.

"Son of a Batman." I coughed. when I came to I realized I wasn't in Crane's office anymore I was in the same alley that my parents were murdered in by Maroni.

I walked cautiously down deeper into the alley. What I saw next terrified me all over again. I saw Maroni and his cronies holding younger me, my mom and dad at gun point.

"Where's MY money Daniel?!" Maroni asked my father.

"I-I don't ha-have y-your m-money ye-yet." Father stuttered. And without mercy Maroni shot my father in the head.

My mom and younger me both screamed and held each other in fright. My mom pleaded Maroni to let us go. He shook us head and without mercy yet again he shot my mom three times. BANG! BANG! BANG!

Once in the head, twice in the chest. She died instantly. one of Maroni's men picked younger me up and took me to their hideout while the others stayed behind to empty the pockets of my now dead parents, and then dispose of both their bodies.
I- as in the fifteen year old me- ran to my dead parents and held both of them while I cried and screamed.

The effects of the Fear Gas started to wear off, I came too. I looked around and saw that I was in Crane's office on the foot in a puddle of tears. I looked up to see Crane looking down at me. I got up and glared at him then yelled, "YOU BASTARD!!" And tackled him to he ground choking him.

The guard that took me here ran in and pulled me off of Crane and dragged me down the hallway to my cell.

On the way there the other inmates poked their heads out of their cells and gave me sympathy looks. Damn I must've been loud.

"Don't you all have something better to do then state at me." I grumbled. They flinched and went back to what they were doing.

The guard opened the cell door and pushed me in then closed and locked it. When he left I crumpled into a ball and silently cried.

Agent of Chaos' Daughter[#wattys2015]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن