Meeting Robin

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I asked my dad if I could go for a walk he said yes. I walked all the way to the narrows.

"Little girls like you shouldn't be out here in the dark alone." a voice said. I looked around me for the voice. I saw a boy near my age wearing a red shirt with the letter R in black on it, a red cap, green tights, black shoes, and a black eye mask.

"Little boys like you shouldn't mess with little girls like me." I mocked.

"Who are you." He asked me.

"Name's Jokette, and you are?" I asked while mock bowing.

"Robin." He said plain and simple.

"So you're working with the Bat?" I asked now circling, he mirrored my actions.

"Yes, you're working for the Joker?" He asked. I heard a swooshing sound and looked to see B-Man.

"No, I'm working with him." I told Robin. he looked confused so I kicked me in the stomach.

"What!" He said. I nodded.

"The Joker's my dad kid hence the name Jokette." I explained. I heard laughter from behind me and saw Joker, Harley walking out of the shadows.

"Puddin help her!" Harley said.

"She doesn't need any help!" Dad yelled.

Harley cowered in fear a bit. Dad and Harley attacked Bats, while I attacked Robin this went on until the cops arrived.

They cuffed dad and harley and put them in separate vehicles. Harley yelling profanes while dad just well laughed hysterically.

"Where are they being taken?" I asked B-Man.

"Black gate." He said. He grabbed me roughly and pushed me in a cop car.

"What are we going to do to her?" Boy wonder asked. That's what I heard the Bat call "Robin."

"Taking her to the station, to be questioned on why she was with the Joker in the first place." Bats said.

So they think that they're gonna question me on
what, I've got nothing to hide. I laughed uncontrollably and boy wonder cringed. I love knowing I get under peoples skin. A cop got in the car and started to drive to the station.

A/N Robin aka Dick Grayson is NOT Bruce's adopted son in this book. He just works with Bruce when he's Batman.

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