Seeing dad

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"Pleeeeeaaaaaaseeeee!" I begged Bruce. I'm trying to make him let me see my father.

"No." He said. I followed him around all morning begging and begging then he finally caved.

"Fine!" He exclaimed. I jumped and hugged him then ran out the door to my car and started on my way to Arkham. I walked in and the same lady from last time was at the desk.

When she saw me she said," The Joker's got a visitor." A guard came down and stopped in his tracks when he saw me. I smiled and waved, I saw him gulp.

"Right this way ma'am." The guard said leading me to a interrogation room with my dad inside.

"Five minutes." The guard sad unlocking the door and letting me in.

"Hi daddy." I said, at the sound of my voice dad looked up and smiled. But the smile didn't reach his eyes like they normally do.

"Nova, baby girl!" He greeted. I smiled and sat across from him. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." I say. I looked at my dad his makeup is smeared and he has bags under his eyes. What have they been doing to him? "How've you been?"

"Just peachy." He said. I laughed which caused him to smile a little. "What have you been doing?"

"Well as you know I've been living with Bruce Wayne, he put me in Gotham High, didn't end well for some students though." I answered. "Are you going to get out yet?"

"Soon Nova soon." He said. I smirked and when he does get out we'll be a family again. Not to mention terrorize Gotham.

"Do you know who the Batman is?" Dad asked. Crap! I can't tell him it's Bruce.

"No." I lied. "Sorry daddy."

The guard came back," Times up."

"I would give you a hug but I'm strapped." Dad said. I never noticed the straight jacket they made him wear. The jacket seemed a little loose on him, are they even feeding him?

"It's ok daddy." I say tearing up. " Bye dad." I walkout of the room hearing him say bye back.

I walk out of crying and see reporters snapping photos. I sprint to my car and get in. I hit my head on the steering wheel and scream. Why does he have to be in there? Why? I composed myself after five minutes and started driving into the city. I stopped at McDonalds and ordered a Hot Fudge Sundae and ate in silence. After I finished eating I headed back to Wayne Manor.

"How was it?" Alfred asked.

"Fine." Was all I said. I walked around him making him see my tear stained face. I went up to my room and stayed there. There was a knock at my door.

"What!" I snapped. The door opened and Bruce let himself in my room.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"We caught up a bit, you should've seen him, he wasn't him self no jokes, no laughter, no fear rising smile. It's like he's dead, no humor left in him." I say. Bruce looks shocked, I carry on.

"He only smiled twice, whatever they're doing to him is making him zombie like. There's not spark for anarchy in his eyes. He's thinner than normal the straight jacket he was wearing was loose. They're corrupting him." I said as my voice cracked.

Bruce came and hugged me while I started to cry again. Bruce rocked me back and forth until it was time for dinner. We ate pizza and sat in silence. I said goodnight and went up to my room.

My dad did NOT look like himself at all, maybe it's time for a Arkham Breakout. I smiled at that maybe the breakout will get him back to his old self. Maybe.

Tomorrow is Operation Breakout. I spent half the night staying up to plan the breakout the following day. I've gotta 50/50% chance this working. I just hope it works.

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