Joker vs Dr. Crane

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Joker POV
I heard from Ivy that Nova has session with Crane. He better NOT do anything to my little girl or he's dead.

A couple of minutes later we heard a loud ear-popping girlish scream. Nova! Everyone covered their ears. Man she can scream. But seriously if Crane hurt her, he's dead! Still.

Then we heard silence followed by footsteps headed down the hall. We poked out heads out and saw Nova being dragged by a guard towards her cell.

"Don't you all have something better to do then stare at me." She grumbled as some of us flinched.

The guard pushed her into her cell. I heard what sounded like a soft crying come from Nova. That's it! Crane's DEAD when I see him! Oh what I've got a session with him now, oops.

A guard opened my cell and came of to me shaking in fear while putting a straight jacket on me. The guard walked me down to Crane's office and opened the door. I looked around the room until I spotted Crane.

"What did you do to MY DAUGHTER!" I hissed. he visibly jumped but recovered quickly.

"I gave her a little dosage of my fear gas." He said. I stiffened and tried to get him.

"You know if I wasn't wearing this straight jacket, I'd kill you." I told him.

He laughed,"Please Joker, you couldn't kill me, even if you tried." I scowled at him.

"I wouldn't have to try, cause you'd be already dead Scarecrow." He flinched as I struck a nerve. I cackled uncontrollably.

"I broke your daughter Joker and there's nothing you can do about it." Crane said smugly.

I reached across the table so that we were face to face. "You did NOT break Nova, you accidentally made her a lot more stronger and insane than she already is." I said spitting in his.

"If you ever mess with my daughter ever again I WILL KILL YOU SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY!" I seriously told him.

He looked unfazed, "I already broke her and now I'm going to make her sane." I flinched at the word sane. Something that I couldn't be anymore but Nova still can.

"Guard take him away." Crane smirked. As they dragged me down the hallway I yelled, "This is NOT over Crane!" They locked me in my cell.

I sat there staring at nothing waiting for something brilliant to pop in my head. I've got it! I'll break me and Nova outta here. I started to plan silently on how and when I'm going to do it then went to sleep.

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