Chapter 5

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Just as Pietro, Kira, and I were about to get through the door we heard a voice, just barely above the alarms.

"Stay back! I'm blowing it down!" The voice said.

Without a second thought I backed out of the way of the door. I noticed Kira was frozen in place. Her adrenaline probably running low. So without hesitation I ran up to her to pull her back before the door was blown down just seconds later.

"Come on, let's get you out of here!" A man in a weird looking suit, with a shield said. "Who are they?" He continued. Looking at Pietro, then at me and Kira.

"New friends" Pietro told the man as a smile grew on his face.

"Alright well let's go!" The shield holding man said.

He motioned for us to follow him so we did. After we had gotten outside of the building and I knew exactly where I was, I broke off from the group. I made my way to the woods opposite where the others were now headed. After I made it far enough out of reach I slowed down to a walk, not wanting to waste energy. Just then I heard something from above me. I looked up to see a suit of red and yellow. It landed in front of me with its hand raised.

"Stop, and I won't kill you" it said.

Knowing I couldn't really get out of this situation, and if I did I would be injured which isn't the best idea for going on the run. I replied by slowly raising my hands above my head.

It didn't tie my hands like I was prepared for just kept his hand slightly raised ready to fire at any given moment.

"Who are you?" I ask. There was a silence, like it was the most stupid question to ever ask.

"I'm Iron Man" it said. Then I realized that this was Tony Stark in the suit. The one Pietro told me about.

"Tony Stark." I say, more of a statement than a question. But he responds like it was a question anyway.


Just as we made our way into the quinjet, my hands still raised I felt something on the side of my face. Without emotion I turned to see who had punched me. It was a women maybe 20's with brown/red wavy-ish hair. I continued to stare at her until she finally spoke.

"Why did you take my brother!" She yelled, piercing through the silence that was created with the punch to my face. I didn't reply which seemed to anger her more.

"Why!" She screamed at me, then punched my in the nose causing it to bleed. I continued to stare at her with an emotionless expression on my face. From the corner of the jet Pietro spoke up. 

"Wanda!" He yelled. "She helped us! Stop punching her!" He continued, referring to him and Kira.  Wanda's face dropped. She looked at me with a sorry expression lacing her features.

"Oh. Im so sorry" she said, showing she really was sorry for punching me, In the face, twice.

I finally look away feeling that I no longer needed to intimidate her. She walked over to Pietro and hugged him.

"Get comfy, it's going to be a long ride." The man with the shield said, gesturing to a row of seats that surrounded the inside of the jet.

  ———Time Skip———

After we landed they took me to an interrogation room, where I was sat for almost two hours until some came in. The person who was interrogating me was a red headed lady, whom claimed to be Natasha Romanoff. The moment she walked in the room I could tell she was good at this. She had no readable emotion expressed on her face nor could anyone read her body language. Anyone is excluding me of course. I could immediately tell that she had background with this, interrogation. She must be trained with the way she carried herself, like she knew people would fail if they tried her. She sat down and began with the questions.

"What's your name" she asked, when she received no response, she continued. "Why were you at the Hydra facility," she pulled out a file that said 'WIDOW SOLDIER 22389272' then continued. "I don't understand why you would help Pietro and Kira get out, if you were the one who got them on there?"  To this I finally responded.

"I didn't put them there, nor did I want to be there." I said, my accent as strong as ever.

"Pietro did say you helped them." There was a short silence. "You said you wanted to get out. Why?" I gave her a look that said I was done talking I then went back to being silent til she finished the questions which received no answers, and left.

After being taken to a room, which was much larger and nicer than the cells at Hydra, I was given food. I ate and went to sleep on the floor next to the bed, as I find it difficult to sleep on cushiony surfaces, like mattresses.

I woke up in the middle of the night, and made my plan to get out before morning came. It was relatively simple, considering where I am, and who I am.

After I broke open the window and shimmied my way out of it I was on the outside of the building. I made my way toward the woods for cover. By the time I was about 15 miles away I could see the sun rising. I knew that someone would figure out I'm not there soon. So I continued my way to the city which I could now see.

After I got to the city I made my way to the convenient store and bought a black backpack much like my old getaway bag, and made a new getaway bag with the same supplies as before, if not more.

I then made my way to the grocery section of the store and bought some non perishables as well as some chips. After leaving the store I started to walk around to find a suitable alley to sleep in for the night. I found one a few blocks from the store I was just at and decided it would do. I made myself comfortable and ate the food I had just bought, it only making one meal, then fell into a light sleep my body still aware of where I am.

Hey my peeps!

Sorry this was a shorter chapter. I am already working on the next one, and if all goes to plan it should be out by tomorrow, if not Saturday.

I hope you enjoyed!

See ya, later my peeps!

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