Chapter 15: Welcome To My Darkside

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The turning page in this training has begun for the Sully's, and as predicted, it was because of Tuk.

It all happened because, of course, of the snarky competition. Tuk was provoked since the first day of training that she was too weak to be a hunter for the metkayina, that she'd be better off leaving that job for the rest of them who are stronger. At first, Tuk wouldn't mind it so much, since she expected it, but hearing that so consistently at one point made her blow up.

She was respected in her clan, but her parents always tried to make her rely on the safe side because she's the youngest.

She hated it, and now experiencing it here, she couldn't hold back anymore.

So, to the person who was behind the provocation, Xuyna, Tuk one day during weightlifting training took a bamboo stick and slammed it across her mouth - and she didn't stop beating her up with it.

After that day, Tuk became.... A whole different person.

Her confidence was high, and with that she did better on her training than she did any other day. She grew ruder, and would hiss at anyone close enough in her range - ever her siblings. She trained harder, and suddenly became.... Tough.

Not just physically but her attitude.

No one messed with her since that point on.

Tsireya did try to ease her out of that bubble, make her snap out of it, but Tuk was far too gone.

She liked being this way, acting or saying whatever she wants without having to be cautious all of the time. Without having to worry it'll be inappropriate for a girl to behave, no she felt free expressing herself in this manner after suppressing herself for so long.

And she wasn't the only one.

Not too long afterwards, Lo'ak spiraled down as well.

Surprisingly enough, it was provoked by his own brother.

Neteyam has been doing great, well not just great but really amazing throughout practice after his session the first day. He'd get praised for his hardwork, and that did nudge Lo'ak's confidence since this all became a repition like how it was back home - Everyone will love him, and Lo'ak would always be the one who wasn't worth shit. He'd be the one they'd go hard on, stating he should follow Neteyam's footsteps, or behave better.

After hearing those comparisons for so long, Lo'ak couldn't take it anymore.

He snapped.

It was through the one-on-one combat, and Lo'ak used his inner rage to completely not hold himself back and attack his brother with every murderous bone in his body. Neteyam was not expecting such brutal offense from him, and Lo'ak took him down easily because of his surprise - but he didn't stop.

He kept punching him, over and over, all the way until Ao'nung had to physically yank him off.

And he felt good doing that.

Since then, he grew arrogant. Now he wasn't being lazy, he showed exactly what he is capable of doing, and he actively acted on it. When someone would surpass him, he'd show who's in charge during their one-on-one combat.

Neteyam and Kiri would refuse to combat against him during that time, but Tuk never broke her guard. She's the only one Lo'ak couldn't bring down, and it'll be an even fight.

Meanwhile things at the maruis, it just wasn't the same anyone.

They wouldn't have proper communication, fights were consistent, and they weren't as united as they once used to be.

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