Chapter 19: What to do?

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Neteyam and Ao'nung never had a fight before.

Well, sure they'd have their push and pull moments, but it was never really about each other - mainly it being on Neteyam to behave, or something about the siblings, or things like that, but that's more scolding than a fight.

But no, this time it was real fight to the point people had to rush in to yank them apart from throwing fists at each other.

So how did this all happen?

Well, everything has been so goo - kinda. Ao'nung mentioned to Neteyam about his talk with Kiri, and how they are going to try to figure something about the marriage, and Rotxo also was over the moon when he heard the news coming from Kiri. Tuk finally snapped out of her rebellious nature when she almost killed a girl during training - literally seeing her close to death - and that brought out more of her emotional sensitivity back.

Lo'ak is still in the works, and Neteyam is far from that yet.

Either way, everything was still moving through calmly, two weeks now before the Sully family leave and have their ceremony one being a Metkayina.

Well actually, not forget to mention that Kiri and Ao'nung decided to give it go with Ao'nung's parents on the marriage - and well..... The details about it they decided to keep to themselves. It didn't go as well as they'd hoped, but they didn't want to lose hope on the matter.

So, they kept that to themselves, trying to enjoy everything that's been going on so far without overthinking things too much.

Until of course something had to obviously happen.

Hukato came around again, this time alone, to speak with Ao'nung. Guess Neteyam's injury on his shoulder worked a number on him because he came apologizing for his behavior, and saying he was really in his egoistic nature and that he's trying to become a better warrior - mostly likely was forced by his family to say this, but not like Ao'nung was complaining.

Ao'nung isn't the type of man to hold a grudge, yes he never forgets what someone does to him, but he prefers letting things pass and for them to prove if they're truly sorry. So, they shook on it without so much conflict going on - at the same time that Neteyam came around to the scene.

He was not pleased, at all.

Seconds away from attacking him, Ao'nung held Neteyam back and they went back and forth arguing on about it, and it mainly involved with Neteyam being more offended to how Ao'nung was defending Hukato rather than letting him beat him up.

Whatever, at the end Hukato left and Ao'nung was left explaining to Neteyam what is going on - and Neteyam was not having it.

At all, to which wasn't even a surprise.

So, what does an emotionally unstable person do when they're filled with anger?

They get payback.

His payback involved with him going up to Nash'vi and kissing him right in front of Ao'nung's face.

Ao'nung got so furious that out of character, he went right up to them and immediately was arguing once again with Neteyam, to which got physical, and people had to physically hold them back form killing each other. Ao'nung ended up getting on his skimwing and swam away from there, past the reef and to Three Brother's Rock.

Which is where he is now.

He's fuming in rage, pacing the damn place with his body twitching in such a rage he has never felt before in his life, and he just simply couldn't stop. The image of Neteyam kissing Nash'vi blurred his vision, and he was starting to just curse because he's here - in the only place he knows Neteyam could find him, which is not exactly the greatest place to go to in order to avoid him.

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