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Chase POV

I wake up to the sun beaming in my eyes. I don't know why people insist on pissing me off. Hell yeah I'm still mad about my dad and this shit he pulled last night. Go to sleep mad, wake up mad. Just how it goes. I sit up in my bed and push my dreads out of my face. After doing my hygiene and taking a shower I go down stairs. My family is already in the living room. They all seem to be waiting on me. Shit why not continue? I walked past them into the kitchen to get me a Naked juice.
"Chase! Get your ass in here boy!?" My dad yelled. This nigga always has something to say. I walk in the living room and sit down on the couch.
My dad cuts his eyes at me before he begins talking.
"We need all of you to pack." He says.
"A weeks worth." My mom adds.
"Why?"I asked.
"We're going to New Orleans." He says. I've been waiting to here those words for so long. I got this accent dripping off my tongue from a place I've never even been. Shit plus I just know them girls fine down there. I'm slick excited as fuck.
"When are we leaving?"Caden ask.
"In the morning." My mom says.

We all part ways and I go upstairs to start packing. I packing so many pairs of shorts, and polos and Jordan's. I decided to hit the mall and get some new shoes.
"I'm leaving."I said as I walked out the house and got into my all white Jeep. When I got to the mall it was packed. I got what I needed and left. I made a few pit stops before I got home. When I got home it was only like 6. So luckily I don't have to deal with my dads shit. We sat at the table for dinner.

"Micah going too?" Keri asked.
"Yeah. I mean she is from there too." My mom says. She seems on edge about something and nothing bothers me more than seeing my mom bothered by something. I always hope it's my dad.. Give me a reason to beat his ass. But I knew exactly what it was just wanted her to admit it.
"Ma what's wrong?" I ask. I'm blunt. I don't beat around the bush. I don't sugar coat shit. And I don't like for people to do it to me.
"Nothing." She says as she continues to eat.
"Alright lie then. Your business." I say. Putting my plate in the sink and going upstairs.

Caden POV

My mom was obviously bothered by Chases words.
"Ma it's cool. Hes just worried about you. That's the only way he knows how to show it."
She nodded.
Let me go talk to him. I put my plate in the sink and went upstairs to his room. I just walked in.
"What yall don't know how to knock!?" He yelled as I walked in.
"Nigga shut up." I say closing the door behind me.
"What you want?"
"I wanna know why you did mom like that?"
"Man because she's keeping something from me." I chuckled.
"You do realize her husband was down there too. His name is Braylon Henderson. Not Chase Henderson."
"Bruh you missing it. Ma's keeping something from all of us. Pops been hipped that's why he didn't react." What he said made sense. Why are we just now going to New Orleans for the first time.
"Look Chase. I'm with you on whatever. You know that. But don't go down there and act an ass if we do find out something."
"I ain't making no promises. Especially if it has something to do with my mom." I just shake my head before leaving out.

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