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Naunie POV

It was going on 12 in the afternoon and everyone was up except Bre. That wasn't normal for her. She was an early bird. My motherly instincts were kicking in telling me something was wrong.
"Bre baby. Wake up for mommy." I said slightly shaking my 4 year old. Her body was growing cold and she was breathing very slowly. I shook her hard and her eyelids opened but her eyes rolled back in her head.
"Bray!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as tears flooded my eyes causing my vision to grow blurry. He rushed in the room and looked over at our daughter before scooping her in his arms.

He hurried out the room and I followed behind him. The kids were alert and now all piling into the car. Bray asked me to drive as he held her.
I was trying to keep it together as I drove but I felt myself losing her.

A few minutes later we pulled up at the hospital and Bray hurried into the building with us following behind.
"Help!" He yelled and doctors rushed to her aid laying her on the stretcher.

Hours and hours had gone by and my family was now all here.
Everyone was crying because no one had a clue what was going on the only ones not crying was Cameron and Jaylin. I wanted to slap the shit out of them for not showing any sort of emotion as my baby was back there fighting for her life.
Just as I was getting ready to go off the doctor came out and we all stood.

"Family of Breane Henderson."
We all rushed to him.
"How is she?" Bray asked.
"She's just fine. She was just dehydrated." He said. And I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders.
"You can follow me to her room, just a few people at a time though, we don't want her to get overwhelmed." Me, Bray, Keri and the twins all followed him.

When we got into the room she was sitting on the bed watching Doc McStuffins.
"Momma so glad you're okay." I said rushing to her and kissing her. But she held a pout on her face.
"What do you want baby? Anything you need I'll go get it." Bray said.
She looked like she was thinking long and hard.
"I want you to kiss mommy. And tell her you're sorry." She said.
"But Bre." I started.
"Kiss!" She yelled. And I looked at Bray. He looked me in the eyes before stepping close to me pulling me by my waist close to him. I felt my heart skip a few beats like it did when we first met. He placed his hands on each side of my face before kissing my lips gently. The kiss deepened. Then he pulled back and looked me in my eyes.
"I'm sorry baby." He said and it was genuine.
"Does this mean yall aren't getting a divorce?" Keri asked. Bray continued to look into my eyes while shaking his head yes.

Soon there was knock at the door and it was Quay, Meisha, and Queen.
"How you doing neice?"Quay asked.
"I'm sad Uncle Quay." She said.
"Why baby?" He asked sitting on her bed. She waved for him to come here so she could tell him a secret. After she whispered in his ear his face softened and he held his head down before standing up.

He took Meisha face in his hands just like Bray just did and kissed her. Queens face was priceless.
He pulled back.
"Meisha I'm sorry for what I did to you. And I know it was wrong. But I don't want to lose you to it. I want to work this out." He said. And she cried and shook her head yes as he kissed her again.

As they kissed the rest of the family entered the room and we was deep as fuck in here.
It was like everyone realized what they needed to do.
Bray apologized to Micah. Keri apologized to her dad. Jaylin apologized to her dad before sharing a look with Cameron.

I pulled Cameron to the side.
"What's going on?" I asked him in a whisper.
"In D.R, I shared a little information with Jaylin. I told her that Bre was the glue that held this family together." He said and a tear fell down my cheek. I looked around at my family who looked happy again. And then at my daughter who looked satisfied.
"She's good." Caden said. And I chuckled midden my head.
She really was.

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