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Authors POV

It was approaching the last night of the families vacation in The Dominican Republic. Tonight the family would sit in on their first dinner as a family and little did they know it just might be there last.

"The food is delicious." Jaylin said cutting her well seasoned Tilapia.
"It is." Jayden agreed.
"Everyone." Camille started. "I have an announcement."
Everyone directed their attention towards her.
"Me and Jaquan are having another baby!" She squealed. Everyone clapped everyone except Cayla. But she said nothing. She wasn't happy about having a younger sibling.
"Well I'm glad you said that. I am too."
Announced Micah causing everyone to gasp.
Braylon stood from his seat obviously angry.
"By who!? And you really felt this was the time and place to announce that!?" He scolded his niece. Tears formed in Micahs eyes.
"Now Braylon you hold on just one minute." Mama Tanya choked up at her sons outburst. She began coughing heavily.
"Mama you okay?" Naunie asked patting her mother in laws back.
"I prayed I wouldn't have to tell you guys this any time soon but I too have an announcement." She said.
Braylon and Chases jaw clenched at the same time. They both were prepared for the worst because they both loved this woman a lot.
"I have lung cancer, and the doctors say I have only given me 6 months to live." She spoke as tears streamed down her eyes.
A tear slipped from Braylon's eye and he quickly wiped it. Chase sat in anger but knew he couldn't react because it would upset his grandmother.

"I don't need y'all's pity. I want to continue on with this family dinner as if it was any other." She said and everyone continued to eat even though their hearts were heavy.
"Well on a good note I've decided to move to California." Jaylin said. And Chase glared at her. He felt deep down it was an attempt to figure him out and he didn't like it one bit.
"What? No you can't." Jayden spat. He hadn't gotten the chance to get to know his daughter and she just came into his life and now she was going to leave.
"You can't Jay. What about your scholarship?"Tati asked.
And Jaylins head fell. She knew she couldn't go now. But she truly wanted to figure her cousin out and figure out what was bothering him deep down.

"Honestly, my mom told me her and my dad weren't getting a divorce but seeing the way he's been treating her I could really care less if they did." Keri admitted.
"Lakeria." Naunie spat growing upset that her daughter would say something like that.
"They won't be the only ones." Meisha said more to her self than anyone but everyone heard her. Those words hurt Quay to his heart. And hurt Queen even worse.
"You can't be serious." Quay said standing up from the table. "You want a divorce?" He asked honestly afraid of the answer.
"Yes." Meisha said as tears slipped down her cheeks.
"Do you?" Bray asked Naunie and the table fell silent.
"Did you really just ask her that?" Caden spat growing upset with his dad.
"You wanna leave my moms?" Chase spat growing upset as well.
"I didn't ask either of you to say shit to me!" Bray yelled causing everyone at the table to look at him.
"Do you want to divorce me Keandra?" He asked Naunie again, she knew her answer was no but she was so choked up on tears that she didn't answer. That alone was enough of an answer for Braylon so he quickly stood up and walked away from the table. With Quay following right behind him shaking his head.

Soon Lewis and Keisha were helping Mama Tanya from the table because was upset and that would be too much for her.
Chase had stormed off to take a walk on the beach to calm down.
Naunie sat at the table crying holding Breane as Tati and Keri rubbed her back to sooth her.
Camille couldn't be stressed because of the baby so she, Jaquan started to head back to the room.
"Come on Cayla." She said wiping her tears.
"No, I don't want to go with yall. I hate you." Cayla sobbed.
"Cayla!" Jaquan scolded.
"Pops I got her." Cameron said as he scooped his sister in his arms.
They continued on to their room confused as to why Cayla was acting that way.
Meisha cried as she and Micah shared a hug. And Queen cried walking to go find her dad.

Now it was starting to click to Jaylin why her mom kept her away from the family for so long because they were all slowly but surely falling apart.

Family Matters.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant