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Braylon POV

When I got back to the suite my body ached all over. Before I knew it I had blacked out and began to destroy the suite as I cried.

My moms dying.

My niece is pregnant.

My daughter hates me.

My wife wants a divorce.

I pushed the lamp off of the dresser along with the TV. I punched holes into the wall and into the mirrors around the suite shattering them. I snatched the suitcases open and clothes were everywhere. I snatched a door right off the hinges. I paced a while. And then fell to my knees with bloody hands as I sobbed to myself. Why me Lord? Why my family? Why my marriage?

Quay POV

I sat on the couch as I spun my wedding ring around my index finger. I looked over Meishas name that I had tatted on my ring finger. Before placing the ring down on the coffee table.

I stood up and began pacing the room.
How could she throw our entire relationship down the drain?
She didn't even think to talk to me about any of this before she went announcing that she wanted a divorce.
She broke my heart even worse she broke my daughters.

I felt tears streaming down my face as the door to the suite opened slowly.
I looked in the direction praying it wasn't Meisha because if it was I'd probably lay hands on her.
But instead Queen slowly crept from behind the door as tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked at me long and hard before running into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I held her like she was a baby as she cried onto my shoulder.

Chase POV

I walked the beach as I thought to myself.
My parents been strong all these years and the week we come to visit our "family" and they decide they want a divorce.
I've made up in my mind. Fuck this family.

Caden POV

I paced my cousins Cameron's room as I tried to forget all that had just taken place. This can't be fucking happening!
"Calm down Caden." Cameron said placing his hands on my shoulders. In that instance I just broke down crying.

Jayden POV

Tati rubbed my back as we sat in our suite.
"She wants to leave." I said feeling heartbroken.
"She just wants to get to know her family more." Tati said looking in my eyes.
"Yeah more than she wants to get to know her own dad." I said as one single tear slipped out my eyes.

Jaquan POV

My wife laid in the bed crying so silently as I tried to calm her down.
I wanted to know just as bad as she did why Cayla acted the way she did. She told us she hated us.
I never imagined any of my kids to tell me that and it hurt me to the core.

Cameron POV

I knew it was only a matter of time before my family broke apart. I could see it in everyone's eyes but I prayed day and night I wouldn't have to witness it.

Lewis POV

I stood by my wife as she held a towel to Tanya's mouth. She had gotten so upset that she was coughing up blood.
None of this was suppose to happen.
None of it.
My family was suppose to be stronger than this.

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