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One Month Later.

Keri POV

Things have gotten worse. My parents don't sleep in the same room anymore. And they rarely ever speak. I actually think my dad got divorce papers I just pray my mom doesn't sign them.
"Yeah, it's okay if it's here dad. I just want everybody to be aware of the situation." My mom says into the phone as we walk around Target.
"Momma I'm going to get pineapples." I said as I took Bres hands and she nodded still on the phone.

Me and Bre headed to the fresh market sections.
"What you looking at?" Bre asked someone as I picked up pineapples. I turned around and it was the cutest boy I ever seen. But quickly erased the thought knowing boys would only be a distraction that I didn't need.
"What's your name?" He asked and I was just getting ready to speak.
"Breane." She said causing me to chuckle.
"Nice to meet you Breane. I'm Tevin." He said shaking her small hand.

"And you are?" He asked me licking his bottom lip.
"Keri." I said and my dimples sank in.
"Well Keri, it's nice to meet you too."
He said smiling at me.
"If you came to ask for my number I'm sorry but I can't give it to you." I said picking Bre up.
"Actually I just came to get some fruit." He chuckled and I could feel my face heating up meaning I had turned red.
"I'm sorry." I said lowly.
"It's cool." He said smiling before picking up some pineapples. Breane waved and he returned the gesture before leaving.

"Keri yall ready?" My mom asked.
I walked over to her putting the fruit in the basket as we headed to check out.


"Hi daddy." I said as we brought groceries in the house.
"Hey baby."He said kissing my forehead.
"Um Braylon, my dad wants to have the family reunion here. Is that okay with you?" She asked nervously.
"Your family, I really don't care." He said helping me put the groceries away. I could see my mom was getting ready to cry before she turned to leave the kitchen. I could also see my dad wanted to go after her but he didn't.

Cameron POV

"I think yall should meet my family." I tell Najah.
"I don't think that's a good idea. From what you tell me, everybody's going through something's. I don't want to intrude." She explained. As she fed my 8 month old son Corey.
"Why? I'm tired of being away from you because you're too scared to meet my family."
"I'm not scared I just want to wait until the time is right."
"And when is that? After we have another baby. Seems that's all we do." I say. And hurt was written all over her face. "I ain't mean that."
"Yeah you did. I didn't make him by myself Cameron. I would appreciate it if you didn't act like I did. I was more like when we got engaged but I see that won't be happening anytime soon."
"Baby we got so much time left to think about marriage."
"Okay Cam." She says turning back to Corey obviously upset.
"Just think about it." I say kissing her cheek before leaving out the kitchen.

Tanya POV

"You are doing much better." The doctor tells me as he looks at some stuff on his clipboard.
"Good enough to maybe see my great grandkids?" I ask.
"Absolutely." He says smiling.
I felt like rejoicing in this place. Keisha had become a great friend to me and she went through all my treatments with me.

After getting my prescription I left out the doctors room and Keisha sat in the waiting room.
"So how's everything?" She asked.
"I'm going to be alright." I said as we shared a hug.
"Thank you Jesus!" She said doing a little praise dance.
"Girl stop. Let's go celebrate." I say looping my arm in hers.

Camille POV

"We're so sorry mam." The doctor said. Surprisingly I wasn't as sad as I expected. I had a miscarriage but I knew this was Gods plan for me. He wanted me to focus on the children I already had. And when the time was right I knew he'd bless me with another baby.
"You okay?" Jaquan asked as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"Yes. I just want to see Cayla."
"She's right out in the waiting room with my Pops. I'll go get her."

Moments later Cayla slowly walked in and stood to the side.
"Come here baby." I said and she slowly walked over to my bed and climbed in next to me.
"Did the baby die because I didn't want it here?" She asked and one single tear slipped down my cheek.
"No baby, it didn't make it because God wants me to focus on my other baby right now. I'm sorry I haven't showed you the attention you need. But I promise for now on I will." I said and kissed her head.
"I love you mommy."
"I love you too baby."

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