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Chase POV

"Oh my gosh!" I heard from the other side of the door. It was my sisters voice. I got up and opened the door to the room I was sleeping in.
"It's so beautiful!" She squealed spinning around.
"Shut up!" I yelled at her.
"Chase. Don't make me slap you nigga." My dad said entering the living room area.
"I see the girls are here." Caden said coming from his room stretching.
Bre ran to me and I took her in my arms.
My mom entered the room also. Her and my dad shared a look.
"Keandra." He said.
"Braylon." She said struggling to carry her bags in. Instead of helping her he sat on the couch and pulled out a blunt.
Me and Caden helped her with her bags. I took the very large bag and took it to sit it in the room where my dad had slept last night.
"I won't be sleeping in there." My mom said.
"Yeah she's sleeping with me." My sister said pushing past my dad with so much anger.
That was a first. She was a true daddy's girl.
"Everybody out!" My dad scolded as he stepped closer to my mom. I scooped Breana up as we started towards the door.
"That's still my mom. And I'll kill for her." I said winking at him as we all exited the room.
"Now you're turning my kids against me!?" I heard my dads voice boom from the other side of the door.

As we walked down the hall Keri sniffled.
"It's okay man. They gone be alright." Caden said as he pulled her close to him as we continued down the hall. I don't know what the fuck is going on but whatever it is, is tearing our family apart.

Cameron POV

"Baby, I gotta go.. My cousins will be here in a minute to get me." I said into the phone.
"Are you lying to me? You know I hate when you lie." She whined into the phone.
Najah is my girlfriend and the mother of my son Corey. Yeah, I fucked around and had a baby. But shit.. I'm grown.
There was banging on my door. And it soon turned into a beat meaning it was Chase and them.
"No bae, but I gotta go. I love you." I said hanging up before she could respond.
The banging continued as I started towards the door.
I snatched it open mid beat.
"Damn, I was just getting turnt." Chase said as he stepped back. I dapped him up and then Caden.
"I see the girls are here." I said picking Bre up as we continued through the resort to get the rest of the cousins.
We had already gotten my little sister and she and Breane held hands as we walked. Then we got Queen, then Micah.. And we were now going to get Jaylin.

"I say we don't get her." Chase stated.
"I say you stop acting like that she's family." Micah added. I chuckled as we went to the door and knocked.
She came out shortly after and her and Chase shared a mug as we continued on.


We sat along the pool as the girls went swimming.
"Damn!" Caden said as he looked at all the girls around the pool. They were fine as hell, I'll give them that.
"You shouldn't drool, girls don't like niggas that drool." Jaylin stated jumped out of the pool sitting right in between me and Chase.
He scrunched up his face before standing up and walking away.
"What's his problem?" She asked.
"That's just Chase. He tolerates the people that he's been around all his life, he doesn't know you so it'll take some getting used to." I said honestly.
Caden had gotten up to chase after some girls. And now it was just me and her.
"So tell me about you?" She said.
"What you want to know?" I asked.
"About you." She said chuckling.
"It's not much to know."
"You seem so stand offish. Like Chase but in a nice way." She said.
"I like to sit back and observe everything. I could tell you something about every single one of the cousins out here." I said smirking.
"Shoot." She said.

"Okay Caden, he chases girls because he loves attention. He's a hooper and he's used to girls falling over him. So when they are not.. He makes them." I said pointing to Caden who was standing in a group of girls.
"Micah, she is one of the most caring people you come across. And she lives for family because she never really had one because hers was so fucked up." I said pointing towards Micah who was in the pool with Breane on her back.
"Queen who just wants everyone to be happy."
"Keri, she's not as innocent as she looks. She's the female version of Chase. She puts on this nice girl act because she loves her parents dearly and doesn't want to let them down." I said pointing towards Keri who was also in the pool with Cayla around her neck.
"My sister Cayla, she's young but longs for attention. She's my parents baby.. But doesn't get much attention because I'm the oldest and my parents pay close attention to me hoping I don't end up down the wrong path."
"Baby Breane isn't a baby. She's very wise for a four year old.. She knows more than her parents and everyone gives her credit for. Whether she knows it or not she's the glue that keeps this family together." She looked confused by that but I'd let her figure it out.

"Then there's you who never had family and now that you have you feel complete except the only thing missing is your parents being together." I said and she looked shocked. I knew the feeling she had and the look when we met her, it was the same one I had as a little boy when I thought my dad was dead.
"Lastly there's Chase. He's the most stubborn out of all us. He is so hard for people to get close to and figure out. And if it wasn't for us being family I would have killed him a long time ago."
"Wow, you're good." She said. "But you didn't tell me about Cameron."
I chuckled.
"Not much to my story. I'm just that.. Cameron." She nodded.

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