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Same song applies for both Chapter 11 & 12. Play before you start reading. 🎶

Naunie POV

I slowly walked back to the room prepared for the worst.
When i opened the door the room was completely destroyed.
That alone was enough to make me cry.. My kids couldn't come back to this room. They'd think their father was a monster when really he was just hurt.
I looked around the room and it was horrible. There was shattered glass everywhere, clothes, and even blood the only thing missing was my husband.
I slowly and carefully walked to the room we shared and there was a note on the bed.

By the time you get back, I'll be gone.
If a divorce is what you want a divorce is what you'll get.
Tell my kids I love them, and that I'm sorry.

I cried hearing a door open. I rushed to the front hoping it was him but instead it was all my kids whose eyes were all bloodshot red.
"I'm sorry." I cried. They all rushed to be and we all hugged and cried.

Meisha POV

After collecting my thoughts, I started towards the suite. I hoped my daughter was in here with her father, also hoped neither of them hated me but I knew better than to get my hopes up.
When I got to the room. It was quiet. I walked to the living room and noticed Quays wedding band sitting there. As much as I wanted this it hurt me to know it was happening. I went to the room we shared and there laying in the bed was my daughter silently crying I sat on the bed next to her.
"I'm sorry Queen." I said and she looked at me with nothing but hurt in her eyes.
"My daddy left and it's all your fault."She said turning over in the bed. My head fell and tears dropped.

Keri POV

I listened as my mom sobbed herself to sleep. And let guilt take over my body.
I love my daddy with everything in me and it's all my fault him and my mom are getting divorced.
"Stop crying." Chase said as I cried into his chest. I needed my daddy more than anything right now but I'd have to settle for my brother.

Jaylin POV

It didn't click to me until I walked into my room that I had hurt my dads feelings. He wouldn't even talk to me and that hurt more than anything.

Micahs POV

I dialed Lances number praying he'd answer. I needed him more then anything right now.
After listening to the phone ring repeatedly I realized he wasn't going to answer I hung up.
I laid back as tears fell down my face.
Just as I was closing my eyes my phone rang.
It was Lance.
"I was sleep babe, you ok?"
"No." I sobbed.

Tanya POV

I coughed and coughed each breath feeling like my last.
I am physically, emotionally, and mentally drained.
"Everything's going to be okay." Keisha said reassuring me as I cried.
"I pray it does." I said coughing some more.

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