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Introducing a new character.
Jaylin Marie Jackson

I finally walked out of my high school for the very last time. I graduated last week but I came to say goodbye to all of my teachers and friends that were underclassmen.
I looked at the school and felt tears beating at my eyes. It was hell here. Ever since my freshman year I struggled. But I humbled myself from it and here I am a graduate at just 17. With a full scholarship to Louisiana State University. A horn beeped breaking me from my thoughts. I turned to see my mom sitting in her truck and a man sitting in the passenger seat. I know exactly who he is. I've seen pictures of him. He's my dad. They both just stared at me. I made my way to the truck and got in the back. The ride was long, quiet, and awkward.

Finally we pulled up to me and my moms apartment and all got out. I followed behind my mom through the front door and he followed me.
We all took a seat in the living room.
"Jaylin, this is your-"My mom started.
"My dad." I completed her sentence.
"So you know who I am?" He asked.
"Yes. I've seen pictures. I'm Jaylin." I said extending my hand to him. He shook it and pulled me into a hug.

For the first time ever in my life I felt complete. I felt this instant connection with him that I never had with anyone before. Not even my mom. The feeling that I never wanted to leave his arms. Because inside of them I felt a sense of protection and love. Not that I didn't get it with my mom but this feeling was more intense.

"Let her go Jayden. Your going to suffocate her." My mom spoke and he did as asked. He sat down and I took my original seat by my mom.
"I'll leave you two to get acquainted with one another."my mom said going to the back of the apartment. He sat there for a long time just starring at me.
"Is that your natural hair color?" He asked. I shook my head no.
"How about your eyes?" I shook my head yes.
"I am sorry I missed so much of your life. I didn't know anything about you." He confessed.
"I know. But I know all about you." I said and smiled.
"Oh yeah? What exactly do you know?"
"I know you're thirty nine. You are the middle child of your two siblings, Jaquan whose married to Camille with two kids and Keandra whose married to Braylon with four kids. I know your dads name is Lewis. Your moms name is Keisha."I said in what seems like one breath.
"Okay okay. You know a lot. So tell me about you because I know nothing."
"Okay well. My name is Jaylin Marie Jackson. I'm 17 and I just graduated from high school. I have a full scholarship to LSU for dancing. But I really want to be a model. I like to take pictures. And I love to be in them. I write poems. Sometimes stories. I have no siblings don't really want any. And I don't really know any of my family." I said that just about summed me up.

"Well I'm willing to introduce you to my side of the family if you want." He says. I nod my head yes.
"Let's go." My mom says coming around the corner. Was she listening in?

After about an hour of driving we pulled up to a huge house. It was gorgeous bigger than anything I've ever seen. I didn't even there was house likes this I'm New Orleans. We walked in and there was a group of people sitting in what looked like the living room. I've met Cameron and Queen because of how close our parents were. That's it.

"Jaylin!"Queen exclaimed running over to me. We hugged and she went back to sit with some younger kids.
"Alright." My dad started while pointing. "Pay attention. That's your Aunt Camille, Uncle Jaquan, Your grandad Lewis, and grandmother Keisha, Aunt Naunie, Uncle Bray, Aunt Meisha, Uncle Quay." He paused and took a breath. Then pointed to the little kids.
"That's Queen as I think you know. Cayla( Camille and Jaquan's 4 year old daughter ) And little Breane. Their your cousins. " I figured that was it. I was wrong a group of people my age came around the corner.
"Who you?" The one with dreads asked.
"These are also your cousins. That's Chase, Caden, Cameron, Micah, and Keri." The girls waved. He was finally done.
"Oh and you guys this is my daughter, Jaylin." He said. And they all bombarded me. But it was good. To have people hug me, tell me I'm beautiful. It just felt good to have something I've never had.. Family.


"So you're Uncle Jayden's daughter. He told us you didn't make it." The little on Breane said rubbing my hair. She was very smart to be so young.
"Yeah I know. It's complicated but I think it's going to start making a little more sense." I said.
"You don't look like any of us." The dread head named Chase spat.
"Look I don't know you all that well and you definitely don't know me. So this negative attitude that you have towards me is uncalled for. But if you want this problem you can get it." I spat right back. Feeling my face heating up.

"I like her." Keri said smiling.
"Yeah she cool. Give her a break Chase." Caden said as Chase have him an evil eye.
"Are you coming home with us?" Breane asked taking my hand in hers.
We all shared a look. I guess they were all thinking what I was.. We've never as cousins actually been in one place all at once.
"I mean maybe we shouldn't go back to California. But we all need a family vacation." Micah stated. The boys nodded in agreement.

"The hell yall out here nodding about?" My Uncle Bray said stepping outside with a blunt to his lips.
"We think we need a family vacation daddy." Keri said wrapping her arms around her dads waist.
He looked at my dad and then at our grandad and a smirk appeared on his face.
"Good that yall feel that way. We're going to the Dominican Republic!" My uncle Jaquan said. And everyone jumped up in down in excitement. All except Chase that is. I don't know what his malfunction is but I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

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