Chapter 5: Taken Care Of

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There are times many people sleep in, and they are usually good times. It means that those that sleep in get more sleep than they usually do. That is; unless there are some things to take care of. Two of them are waking up the youngest koopaling to get him to school for real and turning on the TV to watch their favourite sitcom; one that they don't want to miss an episode of. That's what's happening with Bowser Koopa currently.

He had turned off his alarm so he can let Ludwig keep sleeping peacefully without any noise. The koopa king woke up at 7:00 a.m. and looked at his eldest son. As expected, Ludwig is still asleep; still recovering from his flu. The puking had died down after yesterday and now Ludwig probably wanted some rest. After taking a very long bath yesterday, the red dye on his hair is almost coming off; returning back to its normal blue. Bowser then looked at the time, and his eyes widened. Junior is almost going to be late for school; the real Junior. The one who was faking sick just to stay home.

Bowser slowly stood up from bed and looked at Ludwig. "Oh no, you're not getting up this time." Bowser whispered to his sleeping son. "You're not pretending to be Junior; you're actually going to stay home as Ludwig and only Ludwig." He opened the door quietly then stepped out of his room. He then closed the door quietly so he can let Ludwig keep sleeping.

Another coughing fit had woken up Ludwig. He slowly opened his eyes to find himself still in his father's room with Bowser nowhere to be seen.

'Where did he go?' Ludwig thought.

Sure Ludwig is still sick, but he's starting to feel a little better. The puking has died down so far, but he isn't sure. He hasn't had food yet, so there is one way to find out. He'll need to ask Chef PP for something to eat. Maybe any of his siblings or Kamek. That is; if Bowser will let him.

Ludwig laid in bed; waiting for Bowser to come back. His stomach growled. He for sure needs something to eat now. Ludwig decided to check on where Bowser is. As he sat up to get out of bed though, he felt a wave of dizziness at that moment. He shook his head to try to brush it off, but it made the dizziness worse. Sighing, Ludwig laid back down and fell asleep again.

'Maybe sleep' Ludwig thought tiredly as he passed out.

The next time Ludwig woke up he felt the bed shift. He opened his eyes and saw that Bowser had returned. It didn't seem like Ludwig had a long nap this time. He turned with his back laying on the bed and sighed; which turned to a cough.

Bowser turned to his son and concern. He sighed and touched his forehead again; then pulled it back. "You still have a fever son." the koopa king said softly. He got up to his own private bathroom and took out a thermometer from his cabinet. Ludwig watched his father with his eyes; not all there.

"Here, open your mouth and lift your tongue." Bowser ordered softly. Ludwig looked at the thermometer before opening his mouth and lifting his tongue. Bowser placed the thermometer inside and Ludwig closed his mouth. It took a few seconds before some beeping was heard. Bowser took the thermometer out and sighed worriedly. Ludwig has a fever of 103. Better than yesterday, but still not good. Ludwig needs rest and plenty of it.

"Thermometer check is done Lud." Bowser announced. "Do you need anything? Like food? Water? Anything?"

Ludwig tried to sit up, but couldn't. Bowser saw this and helped Ludwig up to a sitting position. "Anything?" Ludwig asked. He thought about what he wanted for a moment. "Well, now that you mention it...I actually would like something to drink? My throat feels like it's in a desert."

Bowser nodded. "Sure thing Lud. I'll get Kamek to bring it up here."

"But what about Chef PP?" Ludwig asked in surprise. "Couldn't he bring up a drink?"

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