|*-After School-*|

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It was now after school. As soon as the bell rang, Mrs Fat Tampon rushed out of the classroom with her wheelbarrow and hopped and skipped onto the 684 a.k.a the party bus.

She rode it all the way to Stefan's house and knocked on his door very politely like a small petite and coquette woman.

Stefan's mum opened the door and was very confused as she didn't know this woman!

'Excuse me, who are you?' She asked.

'I am Mrs Fat Tampon and i would like to know why you are in my future home?' Mrs Fat Tampon asked.

'Umm excuse me?' Stefan's mum said.

Suddenly, Mrs Fat Tampon pulled out a gun and pointed it at Stefan's mum.

'Let me in before it gets heated.' Mrs Fat Tampon said.

Quaking in her boots, Stefan's mum moved out of the way and let Mrs Fat Tampon in.

She rushed up the stairs to stefans room to check of he was alr.

After seeing he was okay, she flew away with her minions femi and the other one i csnt remember and drifted back to her house (the wheelbarrow)

Mrs fat tampon x stefan x Mr keith nunWhere stories live. Discover now