038. getting ready

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after a busy day of roaming around the city, minji and donghyuck finally got back to their hotel room where they were about to get ready for dinner with his mom, his sister, and yangyang.

it was about seven o'clock according to the clock on the wall, which meant the two had half an hour to get ready before they needed to leave for dinner.

donghyuck had just hopped into the shower after minji was finished showering and doing her hair.

the girl was still deciding on whether to wear something casual or go a bit fancy. hyuck's mom hadn't told them where they would be eating yet, therefore she had zero idea what to expect and what to wear.

finally, a good ten minutes later, she had finally decided to wear a simplistic yet elegant outfit to make sure she was neither overdressed nor underdressed.

simultaneously, donghyuck came out of the shower and saw minji lying on the bed. she looked pretty, he wasn't going to lie, but he swore to himself to refrain from developing anything more than platonic feelings for her.

"it's almost time to go, you got an outfit yet?" minji questioned as he was still standing in the same spot he stood before.

it was almost as if he had been staring at her. which of course he hadn't. according to him anyways.

donghyuck nodded surely. "yeah, just give me one minute and i'm ready to go." he said, grabbing his clothes from his suitcase before freezing up again.

"uh, could you, uh, look away?" he quickly asked while waiting for minji's reaction. in all honesty, he expected her to laugh in his face.

he knew he'd shown her body to her before, that time when he felt extra cocky and confident after he had gotten out of the shower, but right now, he was feeling like his usual self.

now, if you were to ask a random person, there wasn't a doubt in mind that donghyuck was an objectively handsome guy. clear skin, beautiful tan, symmetrical face, and a good sense of fashion.

however, he seemed to be the only one who didn't see it that was. he lacked confidence, causing him to seek himself short. for his whole life, he'd been comparing himself to other guys. if they were more handsome, taller, more muscular.

he couldn't see that he was enough, and that nobody, especially not minji, thought that he wasn't good enough. she probably thought he was a coward or a pussy for being insecure about his body at this age.

but to his surprise, she didn't think any of that. instead, she smiled, nodded, and turned around without a word. not even a single glance, because she respected and valued him, but most of all, had simple manners.

"thank you."

"no problem, hyuck. but just so you know, you have absolutely nothing to be insecure about." minji reassured him, and though she figured it probably wouldn't help, it did. he needed to hear that.

after a few seconds, he was fully dressed, wearing a black blouse, some black trousers, and a blazer. "i'm done."

minji turned back around to him, now seeing him in his new outfit. he looked good, she wasn't going to lie. stunning even. if she didn't know him and he weren't her fake boyfriend, she would definitely consider shooting her shot with him.

however of course, it was donghyuck she was talking about. she couldn't possibly ever see him as more than just a friend. what she felt for him was purely platonic, and vice versa. at least that was what she believed to be true.

𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞, lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now