(1) I Don't Want This Baby!

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"Hey love, where have you been? I thought your photo shoot ended hours ago." Bucky said as his wife Melanie came through the door. 

"Oh it did, I just um I had an appointment." She said 

"I made dinner, and was going to set up a hot bath for us." He said 

"Oh I'm just going to eat then go to bed. I'm really tired." She said 

"Mel, I know you are hiding something I can sense it." He said which made her stop walking. 

"Wh-what?" She said 

"I called Gabby your PA when you were an hour late, she said you took off in quite a hurry saying you couldn't miss your appointment." He said 

She looked down, "Why didn't you call me? I am your husband." He said 

She swallowed hard, "Buck, I..I aborted the baby." She said 

"YOU WHAT?!" He snapped 

"Buck don't yell at me. I don't want kids and besides having a baby will ruin my model figure." She said 

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" He yelled 

"Come on James, you travel a lot for work and I do too we aren't a couple that can balance it." Melanie said as she walked over to him. 

Tears fell down his face, he pushed her away. He went upstairs and started cleaning out her closet throwing everything out the window. 

"That's my stuff! Most of it is designers!" She yelled 

"Get the fuck out! Never come back here again! We are getting a divorce!' He said as he pulled out his cellphone to call his lawyer.

Melanie wiped tears as she gathered the rest of her stuff and left. Bucky cried to his parents after she left. 

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