(13) I Want Her Back!

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Three days later,

Jensen showed up Carlie's parents house, her big brothers were there discussing business with their dad. Catherine answered the door,

"Hi, Cat is Carlie here?" Jensen said 

"Oh you have some nerve! You need to leave! I know what you and Serena were doing behind my daughter's back!" Catherine said 

"Catherine please." He said 

Charlie heard the commotion at the door, he got up and went to see what was going on. Corbin, Chance and Cole follow their dad. 

"What the fuck do you want?" Corbin said 

"I just want to see Carlie." Jensen said 

"Even if she was here you are never allowed to see her again." Chance said 

Cole made a beeline for him, he was the youngest of the boys and closer in age to Carlie. He hauled off and punched Jensen knocking him backwards.

"Leave you son of bitch! She is better off without some lying cheating scum bag like you!" Cole yelled as his brothers pulled him off. 

"It's best you leave before we call the cops." Charlie said 

Jensen wiped the blood from his nose, and left. He went to Olivia's house after that.

"She isn't here I don't know where she is." Olivia said 

"What do you mean? She's your bestie." He said 

"She cut ties with me months ago cause I knew. Even my fiancée left me cause I lied to him too about it." She said 

He looked down, as she brought him an ice pack. "You should have known Cole would punch you he's the hot head." She said 

"Thanks, and I didn't know the boys would be there." He said. 

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