(5) Moving Out&On

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Carlie returned to NY, while Jensen was at work she moved her stuff out. She found herself a brownstone and moved into it. After being home for four days she returned Olivia's calls while ignoring everyone else's including Jensen.

She and Olivia met up for lunch. 

"Girl where have you been? You had everyone worried sick." Olivia said 

"Liv I have been in Vegas." She said 

"Why did you leave like that to go to Vegas?" Olivia said 

"Because I found out Jensen and Serena are having an affair. I found them having sex at the rehearsal dinner and she is pregnant with his kid." She said 

"Oh..well how was Vegas?" Olivia said 

"Liv, don't try and change the subject when you don't seem surprised." She said 

Olivia looked down. 

"You knew didn't you?" She said 

"Carlie I..I'm sorry." Olivia said 

"You know what our friendship is over too." Carlie said as she got up. 

"Carlie.." Olivia said as Carlie walked away. 

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