(22) Boss Lady

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Three months later 

Carlie's long time boss Anna Gibbs of Glitter&Rustic Designs called for a meeting.

"Good morning lovelies." Anna said 

They all said good morning as they grabbed donuts and coffee. 

"Today, I called this meeting because I am stepping down as CEO. I am retiring and I have already decided my successor." Anna said 

They all were shocked, and surprised.

"Carlie Barnes is my successor." Anna said 

"Me?!" Carlie said 

"Yes, that is why I have been showing you the ropes and having you work along side me these past few months. And I know that you would take care of this place not to mention you have been here the longest. So congratulations sweetheart it's yours." Anna said 

She smiled so big, "Thank you." She said 

"Effective immediately, so go ahead boss lady tell them their jobs then get settled in your new office my love." Anna said and left. 

When she got home that night, Bucky hugged her and kissed her. 

"Oh baby I am so proud of you! See I told you something was up." He said 

"Thanks, and yeah I know you told me." She said as the twins hugged her legs. 

"Hi babies mama has missed you." She said as she picked them up. 

That weekend her mother threw her a party in honor of her new job. 

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