(20) Jensen Loses It

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⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING! Skip Chapter is rape or domestic abuse is a trigger!⚠️⚠️

While Bucky and Carlie were boarding a plane for their honeymoon, a drunk Jensen went to Serena's house. He broke in through her back door that was all glass. 

"SERENA!!" He yelled as he began to pull things off the wall.

"Jen? What the hell are you doing here?" She said 

"You manipulative bitch! You runined everything! You are the reason she left me!" Jensen yelled 

"Jen you are drunk and need to leave." She said as tears welled. 

"SHUTUP!! I WISH WE NEVER SLEPT TOGETHER! And now..you will pay for all that you caused!" He yelled. 

She went to run but he grabbed her, slammed her against the wall by her throat and began to rape her. She did her best to fight back, so he threw her on the ground punched her and held her hands above her head as he finished she was limp. 

"Fucking whore" He said as spit on her and left. 

A few hours later, her nanny came in from taking her daughter to the park. 

"Miss Serena?" The nanny said as she put her little girl in the playroom. 

She gasped when she saw unconscious Serena on the floor. She immediately called 911 and took her little girl upstairs. The police arrested a drunk Jensen at a bar after reviewing the security footage. 

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