(11) Already In Love

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A week later,

Bucky and Carlie had taken a ride to the Barnes Estate, they pulled up in front of a house. 

"Who lives here? I thought I had met everyone." She said 

"You did. I had this house built for me and Mel for when we started our family. It's been sitting empty for months." He said as he put the car in park. 

He got out of the car, and opened the car door for her. They went inside the house after he unlocked it. 

"Buck this is beautiful." She said 

"I love you Carlie, I know I'm in love with you. And I want us to move in here together." He said 

She smiled at him, "I love you too, and I'm in love too. And I would love to move in together." She said as she walked to him. 

He wrapped his arms around her then kissed her. He put her against the wall as they made out. He wrapped one leg around his waist. 

"Mmm, fuck baby I need you now." He whispered as he dropped his pants and pulled up her dress. 

"Ah yeah." She whispered when he thrusted up in her after wrapping both her legs around his waist. 

"Yeah fuck baby! Ah! Mmm! Carlie!" He moaned 

"James! Oh God Right there!" She moaned as she arched off the wall. 

They came together and made out as they did. Over the next week everyone helped them move into the house. 

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