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                                                                                            ALORA FLOWERS

Alora Flowers stood in aisle six, where the snacks and drinks were being held, looking at a dark-haired boy that stood behind the counter handling the meat. He stood around six foot one, standing there awkwardly with his hands by his hands by his side. He was on the skinner side, his bones almost showing on his arms.

Alora picked up a bag of different mixed chocolates, placing them in her basket. She continued looking at the boy as she walked further down the aisle. A couple with a child stood in front the boy, paying for three lobsters. Alora walked behind the family, moving her eyes contact to somewhere else besides the boy. This had been her second time this weel at the grocery store, and Alora had already known what days and what time the boy had come to work. 

As the couple walked away with their lobsters, Alora moved down to where the boy was standing, looking at what she wanted to get. The truth is she didn't even eat meat, she was full-on vegan, but she wanted to talk to the boy, know who he was.

"Hi, can I get extra jumbo shrimp please." Alora asked looking up at the boy whose eyes were placed on hers.

Alora looked at the boy, not daring to take her eyes off of his. He had dark brown eyes, with a slim nose. He was the most handsome she had ever seen in her seventeen years of living.

"Of course, how many pounds do you want?" The boy asked as he grabbed onto the jumbo shrimp, placing it all in the medium size plastic blue bag.

"Fifteen." Alora said watching the boy grab more shrimp from the cooler. The boy looked up at Alora, handing her the bag. She slowly grabbed the bag before placing it in her basket. She stood there for a second before placing it in her basket. She wanted to get one last look at him before she had to go, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see him until next week.

"Thanks for the shrimp, have a good day." Alora said as she walked off.

"You too, ma'am." She heard the boy say as she walked towards the line.

When Alora got home, she placed the groceries in the fridge and cabinets before heading to her room. Her mom and dad were nowhere to be found, which she had frown use to. Her parents were never home, at least when she was home.

Every day when she would wake up for school, her dad was either at work or locked up in his room. While her mom was out with multiple men. Her mom was never loyal, her dad knew about it, but he never said anything due to the fact that he couldn't have cared less. Days would go by, and her mom wouldn't return home. Once she was gone for a whole month before returning home due to one of her boyfriend's ending things with her.

Alora walked further into her room, stripping out of her clothes. She then walked to her dresser, grabbing some pink shorts and a sports bra. After she was done changing, she walked downstairs to the living room, turning on her tv.

As she watched tv, she couldn't help but think on the boy at the grocery store. She should have asked for his name, but she didn't want to push the limits. She got up from the couch, before going into the kitchen. Her dad would usually keep beers in the fridge, and she loved drinking or smoking anything she could really her hands on.

When it came to drugs, Alora always abused them. Her parents didn't know she was doing drugs, obviously due to the fact that they couldn't care what Alora was doing. As long as she was out of their way they didn't care.

Aaliyah opened up a pack of beer before heading back in the living room. She then sat on the couch, pulling out her blunt. She lit it before inhaling it. After a few moments in, she got up from the couch, heading back into the kitchen to get herself another drink.

And that's how the night went, of course until she passed out on the couch. This is how Alora spent her days when she wasn't working or at school. And even when she was doing these things, she would sneak out to smoke. She loved getting drunk and passing out. It was as if all the sadness that she felt in her body vanished.

All Alora wanted was to be loved and taken care of, something that never happened to her. She wanted someone to say that they were madly in love with her, that they couldn't live without her, that they would kill if anyone even talked to her. She wanted the boy from the grocery store, and that's who she planned on having.

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