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Leo Pierce stood behind the counter, handing an old woman the steak that she had asked for. Leo couldn't believe that the girl from earlier wanted his number. 

He had been eyeing her ever since she had started coming in the store, every time he was on schedule, he had happened to see her. Leo had loved the way she had dressed and walked. He couldn't focus anytime the girl had come in.

Leo turned the lights off the back of the store before placing his apron in the back. His shift was over, and he was excited to go home.

When Leo got home, he took a shower before changing into his sweats and shirt. He grabbed his phone checking to see if the girl from earlier had called, to which she hadn't.

He sighed before laying on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. Leo then closed his eyes before going to bed.

When Leo woke up the next morning, he immediately grabbed his phone, checking to see if the girl from yesterday called him. Leo sighed as he placed his phone down on the bed before getting up.

Leo walked over to his closet throwing some clothes on. He didn't want to go to school, but after his mom had talked to him yesterday about her wanting him to stay in school, he decided to go.

When Leo made it to school, he walked to his class taking a seat in the back of the room. He placed his head on the desk before picking it back up when hearing the teacher come in the room.

Leo wrote his notes down before packing up his things and leaving class ten minutes early. His stomach longed for food, but he didn't want to eat. But as time passed by the pain became unbearable, eventually leading to Leo eating half a bag of Lay's chips. 

Leo felt tears come to his eyes as he bawled up the bag of chips before throwing them in the trash. Leo walked towards the bathroom making sure there was no one in there. When he seen that it was empty, he locked the door before going into a stall.

Leo sat on his ankles before sticking two fingers down his throat. Vomit came flowing out of his mouth, tears rushed down Leo's eyes and his throat and chest hurt from the pain.

Leo stood in front of the mirror brushing his teeth. He cleaned his mouth and face with a paper towel before unlocking the door.

Leo felt like punching himself in the face for eating those bags of chips. But he couldn't help the pain that had shot throughout his body whenever he grown hungry. 

When Leo got home, he looked at his phone for the sixth time that day, checking to see if the girl from the grocery store texted him, which she didn't.

'Did she change her mind about me? Did she notice that she didn't want to be with someone as fat as me?' Leo thought to himself as he placed his phone down on his dresser before changing his clothes.

Leo walked down the hall to the living room before taking a seat next to his mom on the brown leather couch.

"How was your day?" His mom asked, pulling in Leo for a hug.

"Good." Leo mumbled as he hugged his mom back.

"Have you eaten? I made dinner if you want some." His mom said placing a kiss on his right cheek.

"I'm not hungry, I think I'll head to bed." Leo said standing up from the couch.

"Have you spoke to your doctor lately? Or maybe even your therapist?" His mom asked grabbing onto Leo's hand.

Leo hadn't been to the doctor nor his therapist in weeks. He didn't feel like talking about why he felt the way he felt, and he was sick and tired of taking his medication.

"No, I didn't feel like-"

"You need to go Leo, I can't have you doing what you did last year, I need you to get better." His mom said squeezing Leo's hand.

"It won't happen again; can I go now?" Leo asked avoiding his mom's eyes knowing that she was crying.

"Just don't Leo." His mom said as she let go of Leo.

Leo made his way back to his room locking the door shut. He grabbed his phone before turning on his TV and getting in his bed.

His eyes grew wide as he seen a missing number that he hadn't seen before. He hovered over the call button to the unknown number before clicking 'call.'

Leo placed the phone to his ear taking in a long breath. The phone had rung twice before it was answered.

"Hello?" Leo listened to the soft voice that came from the other end of the phone before not saying nothing.

"Is this the guy from the grocery store?" Leo still didn't talk as he started to feel nervous.

Leo nodded before realizing that she couldn't see him before replying with a 'yes.'

"I've been meaning to call you, but I've been busy." 

"Yeah...I've been waiting.... I thought you weren't going to call." Leo said as he got under his covers.

"No, I was just busy, so I noticed I never got your name, what is it?" The girl asked making Leo forgot his name for a second.

"Leo...what's yours?" Leo asked as he played with the hem of his blanket.

"Alora. Alora Flowers. I'm glad you gave me your number, you're really handsome and I've been watching you for some weeks now." 

Leo's heartbeat as he heard Alora say this. No one has ever called him handsome before. Cute, yes, but never handsome.

"Thanks, I've been watching you...but not in a creepy way, just when you come in the store." Leo said panicking thinking Alora would find him weird.

"I understand what you mean, but do you wanna meet up tomorrow?" Alora asked which made Leo's heart race even faster.

"Like-like a date?"

"Yeah, we could have a picnic, I've got so many snacks." Leo nodded his head before replying with an 'okay.'

"Good, I'm going to go to bed now, goodnight, Leo." Alora said softly.

"Goodnight." Leo said hanging up the phone.

Leo placed his phone nightstand before turning off his lights. He then pulled the blankets over his body before going to bed.

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