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Leo stared down at Alora who was covered with blood. The two were out in the woods, and Alora was cutting Caddie's body up in pieces. He felt like he was about to throw up from the gnawing sight. It was like it was a terrible nightmare, but it wasn't a nightmare, it was reality. 

Leo's girlfriend was a murder. And yes, he knew she had killed someone before, but that was for him, she killed for him. But this, this jealousy that Alora shown, was terrifying. 

Leo threw up at by a nearby tree as Alora stood up from the dirt. Her body, and face was covered with Caddie's blood, he could smell it. Why did he stay? He kept asking himself that question, but realization hit him, if he were to live, tell anyone, Alora would definitely kill him. He had no doubt in the back of his mind that she wouldn't hesitate. 

"Leo hand me the gasoline." Alora mumbled as she starred down at Caddie's chopped up body.

Leo looked at Alora. She was turned away from him. He looked over to where his car was parked, the headlights still on, the keys still in the ignition, ready to be drove.

"Leo, hand me the gasoline." Alora said louder, making Leo flinch from her tone.

Leo slowly picked up the red jug that was filled with gasoline, slowly handing it to Alora which she pulled out of Leo's hand. He watched as Alora unscrewed the top before pouring the gasoline over Caddie. 

Leo felt himself about to throw up again, he hated that he couldn't move, he didn't want to be next to Alora, all he wanted to do was go run to his parents, the cops, anyone, tell them what Alora had done. But yet again he wasn't so innocent, he basically helped with the murder. 

As Alora was stabbing Caddie, he just watched, froze, as his girlfriend murdered her mother's friend's kid. Alora pulled out a match before lighting it. She then flicked the match at Caddies body before starring at it. That's all she was stare.

She then slowly looked at Leo before shoving the gasoline jug in his hands before walking back to the car. Leo looked at the fire with wide eyes. He jumped as he heard the horn blow, he looked back to see Alora looking at him with a blank expression. 

Leo slowly walked back to the car with shaking feet. When he got in the car, he drove away from the crime scene, silent. 


Alora got out of the car, grabbing her purse. She zipped up her jacket before walking into the store. Earlier she had cleaned herself off and made sure the blood was hidden. Honestly, it was Leo's fault, she thought in her head. If he had never been flirting back with Caddie, none of this would have happened.

Did Alora think about killing Leo?...yes, it wasn't good to have witnesses, but she trusted Leo so she kept him alive, for now.

Alora walked back to the car after grabbing her a snack before buckling back up. She looked over at Leo who was staring straight ahead. She could tell he was freighted, but he would get over it. 

"Switch sears with me." Alora said unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Wh-why?" Leo stuttered as he looked at Alora with wide eyes.

"Your took shook up." Alora stated as she opened the door.

When the two had switched seats, Alora made her way down an empty street, keeping her blank expression on her face. Sooner or later the pieces would drift back to her and Leo, they were the last one's with Caddie. She-they had to get away from the crime scene.

As Alora took a turn down a street, her eyes widened when she had seen more than six cops chasing her. They were now cliffs and mountains.

"How the fuck did they find us?!" Alora screamed as she slammed her foot on the gas.

She quickly looked over at Leo who was staring straight ahead. 

"You did this!" Alora screamed as she sped faster down the street.

"Please Alora, just stop the car and let's turn ourselves in, please-"

"NO! I'm not going to jail Leo...I know what I have to do." Alora whispered the last part as she went faster, the cops still behind her.

"What? What are you going to do Alora?! Stop the fucking car." Leo shouted as he grabbed onto the wheel, making Alora punch him in the face.

Blood ran down Leo's face, but he didn't care, He continued to grip the wheel, which made Alora speed faster.

"How could you do this to me Leo? I thought you loved me!" Alora yelled over the sirens as tears rolled down her eyes.

"I never loved you, Alora! Stop the car!" Leo Yelled as he continued to grip the wheel.

Alora looked at Leo with wide eyes, 'he never loved me?'...Alora felt her heart shatter, she was tired of hearing that no one loved her, after everything she did for him? She fucking killed for him and still, he didn't love her.

"Fuck you, Leo!" Alora shouted as she turned the steering wheel hard, making the car fall off of the cliff. 


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