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                                                                                            ALORA FLOWERS

Alora Flowers sat on the floor in front of the mirror in her room. She was listening to music as she did her makeup. She wanted to look and feel pretty today since she was going to the grocery store later this evening.

Alora placed some concealer over and under her eyes before blending it in with a beauty blender. She then placed some powder, grabbing some blue eyeshadow out of her bag. She sung to herself as she placed the eyeshadow over her eyelids.

After finishing her eyes, she grabbed her lips gloss before placing them on her lips before standing up off the floor. She walked over to her closet before grabbing a mini skirt and a soft pink corset. She placed some heels on before moving in front of her golden mirror that had flowers over the rims.

She smiled at herself as she turned slowly in the mirror checking her outfit out. Everything was perfect. She grabbed her pink purse from her closet before leaving her room.

Alora walked downstairs to see her mom sitting on the couch watching TV. She walked over to her mom with a smile doing a spin.

"How do I look?" Alora said facing her mom.

Her mom held a blank expression as she placed some peanuts in her mouth. Instead of answering she did a gesture with her hand, indicating for Alora to move from in front of the TV.

Alora's smile faded as her mom did this. She felt tears come to her eyes as she stood there in front of the TV.

"Move Alora." Her mom said finally as she looked up at Alora.

Alora moved from the Tv slowly before walking out of the house. She walked to her car before shutting the door. She then looked into the mirror, fixing her makeup. Alora pulled out from the driveway before heading down the street at an accelerating speed.

When Alora got to the grocery store, she climbed out of her car before grabbing her purse. As Alora walked, her heels clicked on the concrete ground. Alora knew she was going to get the boy's name and number today; she could feel it.

As Alora walked through the doors, air hit her in the face making her shiver. She walked to the back of the store knowing that's where the boy would be.

Alora stopped in front of the counter where the boy was standing. His hair was messy, and his sleeves were rolled up halfway up his arms.

"What can I get for you?" The boy asked as he looked Alora in the eyes.

"I was actually hoping I could get-" Alora was cut off by a woman's voice which made her turn her head to the left of her.

A woman with black shirt hair stood beside her holding a brown bag in her hand. Alora glared at the woman, clenching her fists.

"Can I get your freshest meat, doesn't matter what kind I'm in a bit of a hurry." The woman said digging through the bag.

"You didn't see me right here?" Alora asked the lady as she placed her hand on her hip.

"Excuse me?" The woman asked looking Alora up and down with a disgusted face.

"I was here first, so take your ass to the back of the fucking line." Alora said pointing behind two people that stood behind her.

"I'm in a rush-"

"I don't fucking care, go the back of the line and wait your turn." Alora said trying to calm herself down.


"Ma'am?" Alora looked at the boy who stood behind the counter. He looked at the woman with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What?" That woman said glaring at Alora.

"Go to the back." The boy said staring at the woman blankly.

"Fine, I'll take my money somewhere else." The woman said waving her woman in the boys face before storming off.

"Sorry about that, what were you saying?" The boy asked as he looked back at Alora.

"I was going to ask if I could get your number." Alora said feeling as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

The boy stared at Alora with parted lips. His eyes were wide, and he was moving nervously. 

"My number?" The boy said still in shock.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you." Alora said looking up at the boy with her big brown eyes.

"Uh, sure. Let me just get a pen and-" As the boy backed away from the counter, he somehow happened to knock over a rack that held papers of the different kinds of meat the store had.

"Fuck." The boy whispered as he got on the floor before collecting the papers.

"Need some help?" Alora asked as she peaked around the counter.

"Uh, I-I got it." The boy said before placing the papers back in the raack.

Alora watched as the boy ripped off a piece of paper before writing his number down quickly.

"Here." The boy said as he handed Alora the paper with a shivering hand.

Alora held the paper in both her hands looking at the number. She then looked back up at the boy before smiling.

"Thanks, I'll call you then." Alora said as she continued standing there.

The line was now longer than before and people were getting aggravated, but Alora didn't care. She was jumping up and down in her head and her day seemed to be so much better than before.

"Okay, I-I'll be waiting then." The boy said as he played with his fingers.

"Okay...bye." Alora said as she walked away from the line.

Alora sat there in front of the grocery store in her car, staring at the boy's number that was written down on the small piece of paper. She wanted to call him now but didn't want to seem too desperate.

She placed the piece of paper in her bra before driving out of the parking lot. She then headed home with a wide smile on her face. 

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