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                                                                                  ALORA FLOWERS

Alora laid in her bed with just her bra and underwear on watching TV. It had been three hours since Leo had left, and she felt dejected without him with her. 

"Alora go down to the store and pick me up something to eat." Alora's mom complained as she stood in front of Alora's door.

Alora glared at her mom before she had left the room. Alora got up from her bed before putting on some clothes, heading downstairs. 

A heavy weighted man laid across their couch butt naked. Alora scrunched up her face at the man before shifting her eyes to her mom who sat in the kitchen drinking some wine in her robe.

"Where have you been anyways? It's been weeks and all of a sudden you show up and-"

"Shut your fucking mouth Alora, I've been out trying to provide for you and your lame ass dad. Where the fuck did, he go anyways?" Her mom announced as she took a sip of her drink.

"He left, just like I told you when you got here." Alora said as she placed her shoes on her feet.

She watched as her mom looked her up and down before placing her glass down.

"That's not like him, where would he go? His ass can't get any hoes, and it's not like he has any money for a place to stay." 

"I don't know, I woke up one night and he was gone." Alora said as she grabbed her keys off the counter.

"Without his shit?" Her mom asked as she got up from her chair.

"Why don't you call and ask him, I'll be back." Alora said as she left the house.

When Alora was done getting her mom something to eat, she also grabbed Leo some food before getting him some flowers.

As she pulled up to Leo's house, she grabbed his food and flowers before getting out of the car. She walked up to the door before knocking softly.  

A couple seconds later Leo had answered the door. He wore black shorts and a white hoodie. Alora looked at Leo in the eyes before handing him the food and flowers.

"I thought you might be hungry." Alora said as Leo looked down at her.

"Thank you." Leo mumbled.

"Have a goodnight." Alora said as she turned towards her car.

"Do you want to come in? My parents isn't here. We could watch a movie in the living room." Leo said as he grabbed Alora's hand.

"You sure?" Alora asked as she let Leo hold her hand.

"Yeah, I'm-I'm sorry for leaving earlier, I was just nervous." Leo said looking down at his feet.

"I understand babe, you don't have to apologize." Alora said reassuringly.

Alora and Leo sat on the couch together watching a movie and eating the food Alora brought Leo. As Alora sat there with Leo, she laid her head on his shoulder before holding him tightly.

"You love me right Leo?" Alora whispered as she looked straight at the TV. 

There was silence in the room for a couple seconds before Leo whispered 'yes.' Alora smiled when she heard that he had loved her.

"I love you so much Leo, I hope we can be together forever." Alora said as she kissed Leo on the lips.

The two kissed each other slowly for minutes. Alora felt herself becoming wet when hearing Leo whimpering against her lips. She stuck her tongue down his throat before hovering over him slightly. 

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