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                                                                                             LEO PIERCE

Leo Pierce laid in his bed looking up at his ceiling. He had time to process what he had told Alora Flowers that night, and he hadn't loved her. He simply loved that he felt loved by her. He regrated saying those words to Alora.

Leo sat up in his bed before running his hands down his face. He took a quick shower before leaving his room. He stopped in the middle of the hallway looking ahead with wide eyes. Alora sat on the couch talking to his mom and laughing.

"A-Alora, what are you doing here?" Leo asked as he watched Alora get up off the couch before hugging him.

"I was thinking we could catch a movie or something, and I missed you so much." Alora said pulling Leo into her before kissing him on the lips.

"Uh, I got to actually catch up on some homework-"

"I can help you, what subject are you doing?"

Leo looked down at Alora before looking up at the front door. His mom's friend walked in with bags in her hands and her daughter following behind her. 

"Hey girl what you doing here?" His mom asked as she hugged her friend.

Leo watched as Alora turned around before looking at the girl who stood by the door waving at Leo. Leo knew the girl, but he always ignored her since she made him slightly uncomfortable. 

"Hi Leo." The girl said walking up to Leo.

"Hey." Leo mumbled before feeling himself being tugged on.

"Leo let's go to your room." Alora said grasping onto Leo's forearm. 

"Alora you should go, I'm pretty tired." Leo said kissing Alora on the cheek.

Leo watched as Alora glared at him making him shift on his feet. 

"Why do you want me to leave all of a sudden? I came all this way we should at least hang out. I've brought snacks and-"

"Leo we should play some games in your room like we do every time I come over." Leo looked at the girl before looking down at Alora who was glaring at the girl.

"Excuse me? You didn't hear me talking to my man. And Leo what the fuck is she talking about? What games do you two play?" Alora said looking from the girl to Leo.

"Babe calm down, she's never even been in my room, let's just-"

"Move Leo, you want me to go I'll fucking go." Alora said pushing Leo away from her before storming out of the house.

Leo ran his hands down his face before walking back in his room. He didn't know why Alora was so upset; he never even did anything with the girl. He grabbed his phone before calling Alora. He placed it down when there was no response.

Leo put on his shoes before grabbing his phone. He then walked out his room before leaving the house. He wanted to make sure Alora was okay.

When Leo got to Alora's house, he knocked on the door a couple of times before seeing a tall woman with short curly hair and brown lipstick on her plumped lips.


"Uh, is Alora here? She isn't answering any of my calls and-" 

"She's in her room." The woman said before sitting on the couch with a man. 

Leo walked in the house before heading up to Alora's room. Leo could hear music as he opened up the door.

As he walked into the room smoke filled the room making him cough. Alora sat on her bed with messy hair and eyeshadow smeared over her eyes. Beer bottles laid on her bed and floor and she had a can in her hand.

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