Chapter 28 - Akshay

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I stood outside the parking lot, waiting for her, the memories of different scenes flashing back in my mind

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I stood outside the parking lot, waiting for her, the memories of different scenes flashing back in my mind.


The haunting image of Meera's selfless act where she willingly risked her own safety to save Vihaan

It left an imprint on my consciousness, her love for my family, and the extraordinary lengths she would go to protect those she held dear.

How could I have been so grievously mistaken in my judgment, so blind to her innocence and purity?

As the scenes played out, I couldn't help but question myself, my doubts intensifying. The moment she stepped in to save my mother's life should should had be the reason, but instead, it sparked suspicions within me, poisoning my thoughts and clouding my perception.

I carried the weight of my error, a burden of regret and self-disgust, as I gazed upon her motionless form, her fragile figure sprawled before me.

Her fragility was a stark reminder of the ache in my chest. I longed to bridge the divide between us, to offer solace and support, but I stood frozen, afraid that any touch might inflict further pain upon her delicate frame.

The bitterness of my self-reproach intensified, knowing that my lack of trust had contributed to her current plight.

As I stood there, absorbed in my thoughts, the sound of approaching footsteps disrupted the stillness. I turned towards the door to find a member of my security team standing there, their expression urgent.

In their eyes, I could discern a message of significance, demanding my immediate attention.

"Sir," they began...


With news of her awakening, a surge of relief washed over me, releasing the tense grip that had constricted my heart. Unbeknownst to me, an undercurrent of fear had coursed through my veins, its weight only apparent now.

The thought of meeting her gaze and facing the intensity of her eyes sent a shiver of apprehension down my spine. So, I chose to keep a safe distance, positioned just beyond the threshold of her hospital room, ensuring our paths wouldn't intersect.

As a silent observer, I watched the poignant scene unfold within her room. My family members filed in, their steps heavy with concern and love. One by one, they approached her bedside, their gestures and words conveying the depth of their affection for the woman who had become an indelible presence in their lives.

Amidst this emotional tableau, I found solace in reaching out to Meera's parents.

As the flashback concluded, I found myself once again outside the parking lot, waiting for Meera. The anticipation rushed through my veins, mingling with a hint of nervousness, and crept into my thoughts. She was the one I had been waiting for, and I couldn't help but wonder how she would react to my presence.

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