Chapter 53-The Haunting Truth

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Theme-DarkBlue-Dark Past•~•~•~•

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Theme-DarkBlue-Dark Past

With a heart pounding and excitement swirling within me, I embarked on a spontaneous journey to his office, intending to bestow upon him a surprise visit. My mind was consumed by the fond memories we shared, particularly the enchanting wedding night when the stars sprinkled the night sky while the city lights painted a mesmerizing tapestry below. Determined to encapsulate the essence of that moment, I meticulously curated a photograph that captured the beauty, both celestial and terrestrial, that we had seen that night.

I named the photograph "Celestial Symphony," for it harmoniously blended the vast expanse of the night sky with the twinkling lights of the bustling city. Inscribed atop the delicate frame

Then, as I entered Akshay's office, his secretary, Lisa, stopped me, her words laden with concern. "I'm sorry," she said, her brow wrinkled. "Sir is now attending an important meeting and cannot be interrupted."

I reassured her while keeping a pleasant smile on my face. "That's fine, Lisa. I'll stay here and wait. I'm sure he won't mind."

Her face was filled with worry as she cautioned, "It might take some time. Do you really want to wait?"

I responded, my excitement building with each passing instant. "That's all right, Lisa. If it takes too long, I'll call him. I'm really looking forward to meeting him."

Minutes ticked by, and an odd sensation began to pervade my senses. The air seemed heavy, and an inexplicable uneasiness settled within me. I reached for my phone and dialed Akshay's number, hoping to get an update on his availability. To my surprise, he abruptly ended the call. It was an unusual thing that confused me. Undaunted, I tried again, only to have the call cut off again.

My early excitement was replaced by a growing sense of unease, and an unexplainable sense of panic sank within me. I had the strength to call him again, ready to address my concerns. Unfortunately, he quickly canceled the call once more. I told myself, "I can't wait any longer in this state of unknown." "I don't feel good. I must see Akshay.

"Rising to my feet, I began walking towards Akshay's office, feeling a mix of worry and determination that made my heart pound. As I approached the door, I could sense a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I stood in front of the door, stiff with suspense, and finally pushed it open. However, as soon as I walked inside, the door suddenly shut behind me, capturing me. As my body instinctively caught its breath, I found myself struggling to breathe.

⚠️My eyes widened as the person holding the gun suddenly changed their aim towards me, a flash of panic coursing through my veins. The room fell silent, broken only by the rapid pumping of my heart, which seemed to be sirens in my ears.

In an instant, the frame slipped from my hand, crashing to the floor. The shattered glass sent ripples of sound through the room, echoing with a haunting resonance. Akshay's gaze shifted from the broken fragments to meet my eyes, capturing the weight of the moment in a single glance.

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