Melissa Barrera

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A/n y/n is British and is Tom Holland older sister.

Hello everyone today we to special guest Y/n Holland  and Melissa Barrera. So today we are going to be playing a little game tonight because we have a couple here and I just want to see how well they know each other." Ellen announces while Y/n sits beside her. "When I ask you a question just say the first answer that comes to your head. Okay ready?"
Y/n nods yes. "Boxers or briefs?"

She speaks without thinking,"What kind is the brief?"

"Boxers are like the swimming pants I don't use those?" She said with a shy smile

"Yeah, so which do you choose"

"Briefs. Do I hit this?" She points to the red button in front of her.

"Yep." She hits it


"What are your three favorite parts of Melissa." her eyes go wide

"Um, eyes...lips...and hair." She hits the button

"Aww." Ellen says as the crowd cheers, Y/n gives a little shy smile.

"Thank you." She says laughing

"What is a lie you recently told Melissa?"

"Um that I didn't know were my keys were this morning." She hits the button. Ellen gives her a look and they laugh together.

"If you can't sleep in the middle of the night what do you do?"

"Um..." she laughs "Um I read a book." They hit the button with an unsure look. Ellen looks at her like she is lying but moves on.

"How old were you when you had your first kiss?" She thinks for a short moment

"Like kiss, real kiss?"


"15 or 16, I think." ding, she hits the button

"Who was your first kiss?"

"Oh it's was Sofia Carson" they said as the press the button

"Ok, what is Melissa favorite pet name?"

"That I have for her or that one she calls me?" She questions.

"That you have for her."

"Well, um, baby and wifey?"

"Who was your first celebrity crush?"

"Uh, probably Scarlett Johansson, if I remember correctly?" She hits the bell.

"What's your biggest fear?"

"Elevators." She answers right away


"Yeah, oh that different." the crowd laughs as she scratches her neck feeling her anxiety grow.

"What about Melissa biggest fear?"

"Drowning, she loves to swim but never goes to deep." She says confidently. Ellen nods her head

"Who is the most famous person in your phone?"

"I feel like I have to say my brother Tom?"

"Do you think he's the most famous." She shakes her head

"Not really?"

"Then who beats your brother?"

"Zendaya." She punches the button Ellen laughs,

"Melissa gonna love this one. Top or Bottom." Y/n face goes beat red.

"No comment? Let's skip this one" She tries to hit the button but Ellen stops her.

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