Chapter 23: New Faces & A Book About Music

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"Alright then. See ya tomorrow Az."


So this is part of Rhodes Island that was never shown. The MP1, or the Square as people call it apparently.

I mean who is gonna casually tell you to meet up at Multi-Purpose Room 1, the Square is much nicer.

Whatever it's called though, it's a damn nice place. Very spacious, white dominates most of the color but there is some dissenting accents that make the place pop. There's a big food area to the right and what seems to be stores to the left, though they definitely aren't. It feels like the main part of a big mall, especially with all the people walking around.

But easily the coolest thing about this place is the people walking around. They're all Rhodes Island operators and employees.

Just while walking over to the bench I find myself on now, I saw Skyfire, Melanta, Elysium, Utage, and a bunch more operators. That feeling I got when I first was here is coming back, I mean, so many operators that I love are just here, it'll take a while to get used to.

For right now though, I just want to relax for a bit. Today is an off day, so I grabbed a book, grabbed my headphones, and found a good place to sit.

I'll meet up with Swire at the bar later today, it's still the morning so I have a good chunk of time until then.

So let's start reading The Music of Terra; A 100-Year History. If I'm going into the music industry I should probably understand it first.


So the music industry really started in Ursus with some composers making music for operas, that's interesting. The next chapter should go into how music expanded across the worl-

"Excuse me sir?"

"Hmm, oh yes?" I answer before looking at who is even talking to me.

"Are you Azrael Winters?" Angelina asks.

Angie? Why is she talking to me.

"Yes that's me, why do you ask?" She probably has a letter for me.

"I have some mail for you, from Warfarin." She says, "She gave me your dorm number but also told me what you looked like in case I just see you walking around, and I did!"

Now I'm getting reminded of why she was one of my favorite operators.

"Well that's nice, thank you miss..."

"Oh, Angelina! And no need to call me miss, your probably older than me." She curls her hair for a second before handing me the letter.

I take it with my right hand, though she notices the book I'm reading in my left.

"Oh, your reading that music book! I saw it in stores and really wanted to check it out but I forgot my wallet." She says with a bright smile, "I've always liked music but understanding the history to it would make you enjoy it more, no?"

"I can see that, how getting the picture behind the music enhances the music." I respond, "Though I'm just reading it to get a look at what the music scene looks like, what the most successful people do in order to be successful."

"Well, they probably made good music." Angelina says, chuckling to herself.

It got a smile out of me too.

"Well that's step one obviously, but I'm looking for the marketing strategies and stuff, where the toured first and all that." I explain.

"Why do you wanna know that stuff? Do you want to become a marketer for a big agency or something like that?"

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