Pride No. 1 Krbk first date

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Bakugou was taking his 'best friend' on their first date and he couldn't stop smiling. He put on his jumper and joggers, trainers and took his chain locks. He took his bike out the shed and sprayed the chain, pumping up the tyres and doing the m check; he was ready.
"You ready, Eijiro?" He texted, he sent back a winky face. He got there and of course he looked beautiful, his hair was pulled back so it wouldn't get in his face as he was cycling. Eijiro put on his helmet and pulled his bike out to the road as Bakugou got his own bike and they took off. They got to the forest and Bakugou took out their lunch from their bags. They lay there and watched the sun slowly go down as it turned to 10pm.
"We should probably go now, katsuki." He nodded but pulled his down to kiss him. "Katsuki... what the f-!" He was cut off by another.
"We should get going. You want midge spray? Oh... eh... Eijiro." He looked at him as he was still shooketh. "You're kinda red and kinda spotty... like REALLY, spotty." He looked down and sighed,
"That's what I forgot to do..." he sighed and brushed off the remaining midges. He kissed Eijiro again, "nah, cause stop otherwise I won't be able to help myself." He smiled and kissed him again. He hugged him tightly,
"Woah, wait until we get back... you wanna stay at mine?" He nodded and kept hugging him tightly.
"We better get going then." He hobbled to the blanket and flopped onto it- crushing Eijiro.

They cleaned everything up and put it back into Katsuki's bag and then cycled back to his house. They chained their bikes up underneath a covering, instead of putting them in the shed, and placed Kirishima's helmet on his seat. They lay the tarp over the bikes as Kirishima texted his parents. They went into the house, greeting his parents as they creeped up the stairs trying not to be too loud. They got changed and went to bed. Sleeping in the next day with wonderful dreams of the day, restful beautiful sleep. His mother woke them up and made them tea.
"You boys came in quite late... not smoking I hope!" Katsuki rolled his eyes,
"No, mum. We just went to the bmx track." She nodded slowly.
"Nothing 18+ I hope!" Katsuki got up and pushed his mum out the room, "you're only 16!" She slid in edge side as he slammed the door. Katsuki went back and lay down next to Kirishima.
"Just go back to sleep, Eijiro." He whispered,
"I was planning on it." He said as he lay down as well. Blissfully falling back to sleep as they snored lightly.

When they woke up again, it was half way through the day and Kirishima was getting a call. He picked it up from his trousers on the floor,
"Hey, mina." He said as he took a deep sigh. "Yeah, yeah. I know, sorry." Katsuki sat up and hit him on the shoulder.
"You have a girlfriend?!" He shook his head, and tried to whisper,
"No!" He said a but too loud. "Hold on a minute." He said to Mina, "I promise she's not my girlfriend, let me talk to her and ill answer anything you ask." He nodded. As they finished he wiped his head and hung up, flinging himself back.
"I was supposed to go out with her today, I forgot to tell her after you asked me out if we could cancel. She doesn't really like gay people so I wanted to talk with her and tell her... you know..." he smirked as a thought popped into his head,
"You're gay?" His face went pale, "Jk, get that colour back in your face." He sighed deeply again and smiled as he used his two hands to cover his face and groan as he leaned back.
"Don't do that! You scared me!" He leaned up and kissed him gently. He kissed back and they smiled at each other before they both broke out laughing and Kirishima collapsed on-top of him.


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