Pride No. 18

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Deku put his hand on his legs after he realised what he was thinking about. He rubbed his thigh gently and looked at him as he avoided the eye contact. He held onto his hand and guided it upwards gently, bringing it back down once he realised where they were. When they got back, she let them go upstairs, door open. But she never said anything about closing them over. The bed was in the sight line of the stairs but she probably wouldn't go up the stairs and he really did not care about it at that point. Deku was helping him out and she called up the stairs, he tried to be quiet when he yelled back. She asked for him to get the clothes from the attic-
"Yeah I will. I need to find the attic stick thingy to eh..." he sallowed hard, "take the door down." He took him back in suddenly and all the way down he almost yelled out from how good it felt.
"You better make katsuki do that! I Don't want you to be getting hurt!" Bakugou stopped deku as he yelled back,
"Of course- I wasn't gonna let..." he whimpered quietly, "him do it!" She told them she was going to go into the back garden, to do some gardening. As Deku got up to shut the window and light curtains he took off his jeans and shirt before he looked over at him. Bakugou's only response was to take his things off and get ready for him.

He grabbed Deku and put him on top of himself and helped him take off his binder. Moving aside his boxers he 'accidentally' moved his hand past. He moaned as he heard the door shut lightly. He took off his bottoms and let his boyfriend do all the hard work, then letting him slip in. As he slowly moved up and down Bakugou moved his legs up to help him stay steady. He realised half way through when it got a little sore that they forgot the condom. He stopped his boyfriend and pulled him foreword and grabbed a condom from his jeans on the floor. However, he noticed it had a pin hole on it. He rolled his eyes,
"I don't suppose you have any?" He rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Do we need one?" He nodded lightly,
"Yeah, It'll hurt otherwise. Plus I haven't been tested really." He rolled his eyes and lay gently on his stomach. He rolled on his flat stomach. He groaned as he moaned lightly and his legs got a little shaky. He felt hands on either side of him and then one trail down, finishing him off. He was a squirter and Bakugou loved it. Always the one to edge him further on.

After they had finished and got cleaned off and dressed again, they found the attic stick and opened it getting down baby clothes from the attic.
"You were such a tiny baby, Izuku." He said as he looked through the boxes and held up small baby clothes.
"Weren't you a really fat baby?" Deku no longer had a filter when it was just them, Bakugou snorted.
"Yeah, story goes I came out with a gush of wind and the nurse and doctor both went 'he's fucking enormous, and I'm not talking about the pecker!' Deku patted him on the back and then felt a rush of sick down him. He threw up all over Bakugou. Bakugou pushed the baby clothes away from him and carried him to the bathroom. Leaning him over the toilet as he took off his shirt and chucked it in the bathtub. He threw up a couple more times but mostly spit and bile after the initial one or two. He pulled his shirt off and put him in short before he opened the window and gave him covers and a basin to throw up in. Instead of throwing up on the carpet, he also  laid out a massive towel just incase he missed the basin he went to the shower and grabbed a towel to dry himself with. He took a long time getting all the chunks out his hair. He got out and went into Deku's room with a towel around his waist only to be surprised with Denki and Mina in there with him.

He quickly ducked back in and told them from peaking around the door that he needed to get underwear. They turned around and he snuck in to get underwear and joggers. He put them on quickly in the bathroom and dried his hair quickly with a towel before he walked back out to get a t shirt. Deku saw him and stood up to hug him but felt himself going to throw up again. Bakugou quickly grabbed the basin and held it underneath his boyfriend's mouth as he threw up, taking him to the bathroom while he washed out the basin. He complained to Bakugou,
"I dont get it! The first trimester should be almost over- why is it getting worse!" Bakugou gave him a side huge as he took the basin and rinsed it out. He quickly dried it and gave it back to him as he ran his clean hand through his hair, he tied it back and kissed his head gently.
"Your stomach is a little bigger than normal, that's for sure." He looked down at himself in disgust,
"I look so bad, especially in front of your friends!" He whinged Bakugou shut the door with his foot.
"We literally fucked like an hour ago. You looked hot then and you do now. You don't look disgusting, sick is disgusting but I'd eat a fucking whole shark- dick and all- before I even think you're not hot." He smiled a little but still looked under the weather. He leaned against Katsuki's hips as he hugged his legs in front of him.

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