Pride No. 15

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Bakugou walked in after being off the day prior, he had a very noticeable black eye and busted lip. He had a pink cast on his arm and wasn't wearing uniform.
"Bakugou, why are you not wearing uniform?" He turned on his heal and said something quiet under his breath,
"It got wreaked, sorry." He vaguely pointed at his face, Aizawa still wasn't content. He asked him to wait outside and he did, taking his bag and slamming open the door. He waited where no one could see him. He covered himself with crossed arms and crouched down by the door. He stood up as Aizawa came out,
"Why is it wrecked?" He asked as he shut the door, Bakugou stayed silent and trued to think of an excuse. "Do you not have more than one?" He asked quietly as he shut the door to the other class. He picked at his arm cast, he took a deep breath.
"I eh... yeah." He tried to not cry and he felt his stomach churn. Aizawa was concerned, his student- usually so loud and concerning for a different reason- was so timid and jumpy.
"Did something happen?" He shrugged and kept looking down as he inched closer to him,
"It's nothing." He held his stomach and his knee gave way a little. Aizawa had an idea of what had happened but he didn't want to assume.

"I assume you already went to a hospital, since you have a cast on." He nodded and picked at his lip, "did you tell them what happened?" He shook his head lightly, Aizawa really regretted what he was thinking but couldn't help it. He spoke quietly as he asked him a question, "Bakugou, were you raped?" He hung his head and didn't say anything. "Please, say something." He nodded and bit his nails.
"Yeah... I just said someone called me the f-slur and started beating me up, they took my uniform. And my other one is just..." he tried not to cry, Aizawa nodded,
"Yeah, yeah... I get it. I'll write you a pass for awhile. You need to go back to the doctors though, they could be missing something evidence that you might need later." He nodded and wiped his eyes, "have you showered yet?" He nodded and squeezed his eyes shut, he shook a little as he tried to forget what happened. Aizawa nodded and told him to wait outside for a minute. He grabbed a note and wrote on it, handing it to Kirishima and taking him outside.
"Eijiro..." he said as he saw him walking out, he smiled lightly as he hugged him gently.
"I suppose you already know, then." He nodded and took the note Aizawa was handing him.

"Get changed and take him to the doctor's. Tell them that it's a... you know, case and they'll take you back. You can have a female or male staff around you, anyone you want or don't want if not needed can go." They both nodded and Kirishima stood next to him as he leaned onto him. "I'm sure they'll explain this all, be safe." He let them go and they walked down the quiet hallway as Kirishima held an arm around his boyfriend's shoulder. Aizawa walked back into class and explained to them that they would be back but that Bakugou had a suspension. Kirishima and Bakugou left through the social area doors and Kirishima looked at the bus timetable and saw there was one to the hospital in 30 minutes.
"I'm going to run to my house and get changed quickly and get back here with my nec. Do you have yours?" He nodded and held it up to him. He nodded and kissed the top of his head before leaving. He got back just as the bus got there, and Bakugou was picking his lip anxiously. They walked onto the almost full bus and sat down at the front.

Kirishima felt something hit the back of his neck and he thought it would be a bug and realised it was just pieces of paper screwed up and soaked. Maybe in spit - maybe in alcohol he didn't want to smell it. Then he realised that his was just a stray one from the ones that were hitting the back of Bakugou's head. He brushed them off and took his jacket off to put around his head and shoulders, throwing an arm around and looking back to see what dickheads were doing it. They were younger kids doing it so as the woman came around to have the money they showed her their young scot cards and told her what was happening and she assured them they would have to get off at the next bus stop. Kirishima kept his arm around his boyfriend and talked to him quietly about what he was doing that day. He put his arm under his shirt,
"Why are you doing that?" He asked as he tried to pull his arm out.
"It's stupid." He said,
"Just tell me."
"I didn't get to pick what colour it was- so they just put on whatever colour they had. It's looks so gay." He rolled his eyes,
"Did you forget you already are gay?" He looked away and tucked his arm under his shirt pulling it away from his stomach. Eijiro was really concerned about him, as they got closer to the hospital he could see his boyfriend getting more and more anxious. He pulled him close and kissed the top of his head, there wasn't anyone else on the bus and Bakugou lay his head on Kirishima.
"What do we say when we get there?" He thought for a moment,
"Well they'll give us a form and we can fill it out. They will probably see us, or you, pretty fast because of what happened and they ask you questions. Then they'll do an exam, maybe take pictures to show what happened to you and then they'll get the police involved and we can file a report."

As they got there, Bakugou felt really sick. As they filled in the form, and Kirishima handed it in, he heard katsuki gagging. He grabbed a sick bowl from the receptionist and held it for him when he threw up. He patted him on the back and hugged him after he finished throwing up, the nurse took the bowl from him and gave him a new one. He got a few weird stare, he hid his cast in his shirt and Kirishima covered him in his jacket. They got called up and the doctor took them to a private room. Kirishima held the bowl for him as he leaned on his shoulder and hid his face and cast.
"I'm not going to ask you any questions about what happened, just about the injuries you sustained in the attack." He nodded and Eijiro vocalised it,
"Yeah that's fine." She smiled at the both of them,
"Can I ask who you are?" He looked at Katsuki and nodded.
"Oh, yeah. I'm his husband." She looked surprised,
"You look so young." He smiled lightly,
"Yeah we got married last year when we turned 16." She nodded and caught herself,
"Sorry. What type of injuries did you get?" Katsuki put his head into his shoulder he was crying a little.
"Katsuki? It's okay, the door is locked the window is closed, it's only the doctor and us." He pointed to all the things, "no one is going to do anything to you that you don't want." He nodded and looked at the doctor slightly she could see his bruised eye, she hissed.
"Could I look at your eye?" He nodded slightly and as she put on the gloves and wheeled closer to them she reached out a hand and he closed his eyes, he sniffled and tried to stay calm. The doctor asked for him to open his eyes,
"Look up... to the left... to the right... and down please." He did as she asked and she write down in her chart.

He took his arm out his shirt to scratch his nose,
"Is that from... this as well?" He nodded, "okay... if you don't want to, please just tell me. I need to look at your whole body, so we can do it in parts so, can take your shirt off?" He nodded and slid Kirishima's jacket off his shoulder and took his shirt off. He had burn marks all over his body and cuts a few bruises spread across his waist and shoulder. Kirishima took deep breaths trying to not be mad. Bakugou was nervous bitting his nails,
"Is it okay if I take photos of your wounds?" He nodded and got off of the bed and let her take photos on a camera of his face and neck, ears, shoulders, arms, sides, front and back. Then when she asked him to take off his joggers and was a bit more nervous. He took off his shoes and took off his joggers to reveal that he had old scars all the way down his legs. She made no notice of it and asked him to turn in 90° times and then she told him the bad news.
"I'm so sorry to put you in this position, if you would rather a male doctor please just ask." He nodded and sat next to his husband. "I need to take swabs of your genitals." He nodded and felt a tear fall out his eyes, he wiped them snd tried to not cry anymore.

"You can put your shirt back on, if it makes you more comfortable." He nodded and did it, then he sat down on the table and the doctor put the divider up and he held his husband's arm as he took off his boxers and looked at him sitting beside him. He kissed his forehead,
"You okay, katsuki?" He nodded and leaned his head on his chest. He hissed as the doctor took the swabs and Kirishima let him hold his arm as tight as he wanted. Once she finished, Kirishima gave his husband his boxers and joggers and he quickly put them on and covered his cast.
"Would you like me to put a different wrap on your arm? I have a dark blue or white?" He nodded snd chose the dark blue, she quickly wrap another layer around his other layers and covered the pink. He smiled at it and leaned onto his husband's shoulder. "This might be an awkward question, have you had sex since the attack?" He shook his head, "Have you showered since?" He nodded and bit his nails, "did you clean yourself excessively?" He nodded after looking at his husband. "When was the attack?" The doctor asked,
"Yesterday..." he said quietly.
"Did you go to the hospital yesterday?" He nodded,
"He didn't tell them then. I didn't know until late last night when we were talking about what happened- I told him we needed to see someone and our teacher gave us the day off school so we could come." She nodded and wrote that down.

As they left the office, Kirishima kissed his head and Bakugou smiled as he leaned into his husband's arm.
"You're very cute, katsuki." He nodded,
"I know." He smiled and walked to the bus stop and checked the times. There was a bus in an hour.
"You wanna get something to eat?" He nodded and they walked to the Mac Donald's across the street. They sat down inside waiting for their food and once they got it they took it outside to eat by the bus stop and they finished and Kirishima still had his drink when the bus came. They got on the bus and headed for Kirishima's house.


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