Pride No. 17

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Deku came into the class late, his uniform was a bit scuffed but was fine looking. The teacher let him sit wherever he wanted since they had seating plans and he had been off the last couple periods of the subject.
"Katsuki... I need to talk to you." He was a little concerned but nodded and just acted like it never happened. As they got to the end of the period, Deku texted Bakugou under his desk, meet me in the toilets at break. He read it and quickly cleared the message as he opened his phone to play kahoot with Eijiro as his partner. Kirishima read it was from Midoriya but didn't get a chance to read it. He looked back and deku just bit his nail as he looked up at him slightly. Kirishima dismissed it as some sort of family matter and left it and played a kahoot. At break he managed to sneak off from mina and the praying eyes to the toilets, he looked in the mirror and saw that there wasn't anyone there. He texted Deku and he appeared out of a stall and pulled him in quickly, his trousers were slightly undone and he was really red.
"What is it, Izuku." He asked as his hands raked through to be on his waist. As he whispered in his ear,
"Kacchan, it's really important." He backed off a little to lean on the stall door deku sat on the toilet and started to cry. "I'm... I got pregnant." He was confused as fuck. He was shocked and knelt down to the floor,
"How..? You have an implant for your whatever and I used..." he felt the stress immediately come over himself.
"Kacchan, it's still not a hundred precent." He sighed and felt a tear or two coming down his cheeks.
"I don't want anyone to know... not- I don't know!" The bell rang for break to end but neither made any move to leave.

After an hour of skipping in the toilets, they were finally able to have a proper conversation. They managed to sneak out of school and to the woods where they could actually speak to each other.
"Do you want to keep the baby?" He shrugged,
"I don't want an abortion... I don't know. Pregnancy would just be so complicated. Then the birth, so many people would have to know and I stress just about that. An abortion would mean none of that but I also want to have children later on, I've heard it can damage your chances. And if I go on testosterone I don't know if it'll be easier or harder to get pregnant." He nodded and laid down with him, he laughed to himself. Deku asked what was funny and it made him laugh even more.
"I mean for one, it's gonna be so funny if you keep it cause I've only ever seen you with a completely flat stomach. Also because how would they look. Their gonna have like fucking dull brown hair with dull brown eyes and average height with an average build." Deku laughed a little at that, "I mean cause I'm blonde, you're green- but my dad has brown hair and my mum has blonde hair- and your dad has white hair and your mum has green hair. I'm taller than you, and lankier but you're pretty short in the abdomen and long in the legs- I'm the opposite so they're gonna be average in everything." Deku laughed and leaned on Bakugou.

"We need to tell someone though..." eventually Bakugou said, "your mother would probably be the best because you're out to her. I'm not though. She'll never let me sleep over again!" He pretended to be worried about that. Deku laughed and saw that mina and denki were trying to find a spot to skip class. He pushed Bakugou behind one of the bigger trees, he saw them and quickly covered himself. Bakugou put his hand on deku's stomach. Deku smiled and kissed him gently as Mina and Denki spotted Bakugou's hair, they called out to him and when he didn't respond they tried to climb the hill. Deku did his trousers and went running quietly to avoid them,
"I thought you liked this period?" Denki said as he grabbed his arm to try and let him sit down on the hill. They pulled him to sit and he just shrugged, pissed that they interrupted a very important conversation that could only be happening then and there.
"What?" Mina asked as Bakugou was picking the grass under the leaves, "you have a girl around there or something?" He shook his head. "What? What is it?" She asked as she flung herself back.
"Will you just fuck off?" He raised his voice, "you just can't shut the fuck up for two seconds can you?" She looked at him weirdly, he covered his face and faced the ground as he felt a panic attack coming up.

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