Pride No. 24

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"What about this is surprising to you?" Deku asked Bakugou,
"Idk, it isn't I guess?" He said as he walked away from him at the gates. He walked to his class and ran up the stairs to get to his philosophy class on time. He made it in his seat as the bell rang. The teacher was watching precisely as he got out his pencil case and jotter and flicked a pen out and wrote down the date and did the activity on the board. Kirishima ignored him and he felt a little alone when he was talking to the others and didn't pay attention to him at all. As they left to their next class, Kirishima took the long route instead of walking with him.  As they sat down in chemistry he chose to partner with Denki instead of him and he had to be partners with mineta. His family had been on edge because his brother, that not many people knew he had was dying and they couldn't do anything about it. It made him feel completely alone. He couldn't go up to them, because he was shy, not letting himself get fooled by his hard exterior. He walked around the rest of his classes until PE. He ran around in the football, feeling sick after drinking water and having an asthma attack. No one took notice to him, he didn't have an inhaler. He struggled to breathe on the side of the pitch, he sat down and then laid down on the grass; he tried to hit his chest to breathe better but it made it worse.

He got caught by the teacher and told to go back on so he did and started breathing like an idiot. When they got back into the changing room he went to the showers and sat at the back using his inhaler. He took deep breaths but as an anxiety attack started to creep up on him, it got worse. The attack only got worse, he trued to fight it but his inhaler ran out and he didn't have another. He three it across to the other shower and it broke, he really didn't care. Mina went around to check on him because no one had seen him and found him heaving in the corner of the showers. Pe kit still on,
"What the fuck are you doing?" She looked behind the small wall, "hurry up we are going out for lunch." He tried to point at his inhaler but she didn't get it and thought he was telling her to leave. She scoffed, "just tell me to leave if you want me to." He tried to yell, his voice minuscule.
"Inha... ler..." she turned around,
"What? Insulting me again?" He shook his head. And pointed to it again, she turned around and looked at the ground she saw it and picked it up. He nodded and tried to calm down, "what about it?"
"Mine... em...pty." he said as he felt queasy.

Mina took him to the medical room and told them he was having an asthma attack. They got him an inhaler and he calmed down a little, he breathed and almost fell asleep from how tired he was. They got his mother to bring in a replacement and he took another fee deep breaths before he went to lunch. They allowed him to keep wearing his pe kit, meeting his friend group on the way to the tables.
"I never knew you were asthmatic." Sero said, he nodded and sat down at the seats they usually sat at. He still felt queasy and didn't want to eat. Kirishima made no attempt to comfort him he left the table to read in the stairwell- the libary being closed for exams. He sat at the top and every so often took his inhaler, he distanced himself from Kirishima. If he was worried he could come to him, he shouldn't have to beg him to be worried for him. As the end of the day rolled around his mother picked him up and he was still taking his inhaler. They went to the doctors to see if he was okay, he had nothing wrong but was taking the wrong inhaler. He got the right one and he could breathe, when he got home Kirishima was waiting outside. He hugged him tightly ans he pealed out the grip and let him come up to his room.

"I'm sorry katsuki! Denki and Sero and Mina gave me a challenge to not speak to you for the day- I didn't know what happened! They said if I didn't then we were definitely dating!" He hugged him back and lay on his bed,
"Thank god, I need you so much in my life!" He said quietly back and was hugging him tightly, "I thought you hated me!" As they slowly talked to each other and Bakugou told him what was happening, he felt a massive weight lifted off his back. As Kirishima rubbed his back gently he cough loudly and took a heaving breath.
"Are you okay, katsuki?" He nodded.

"I just lost my breath looking at you."


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