Pride No. 8

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Kirishima and Bakugou sat quietly at the back of class. They silently sat and made no effort to do any of the work. They talked very quietly and only a couple words at a time. Back and forth, one after another. They were released for interval but they left the school to sit at benches, talking again, quiet and tired. Bakugou started coughing loudly and many people looked over at them,
"You okay?" He reached a hand to his shoulder, he nodded and kept coughing a couple more times.
"Maybe, we should go to the library after training. We could look around at the books and try to find something." He nodded and covered his face, crying lightly. Bakugou moved to sit next to him and wrapped an arm around him,
"This isn't manly." He wiped his tears,
"Eijiro, can I tell you something?" He nodded, "it's great that you can stop yourself from crying, but maybe you don't always have to be manly." He nodded and leaned into his boyfriend. They calmed down and left to the final two classes that they didn't have together.

Bakugou walked into his art class,
"Bakugou. You're late." He looked at his shoes before looking up at her. Not saying anything.
"My bad." He broke, she let him to his seat on the side and gave him paper,
"For Bakugou, we are drawing a building that is important to you- with a twist of your choosing." He nodded and had an idea already, his conversation therapist's office- uncanny valley style. It was a double period, so he had nearly 2 hours for it. He started by sketching in the building off a photo he had and started adding the uncanny parts. The flowers were facing the wall, the benches where curved into Cs and made of fabric. Then there came the centre, his father with his brother. He drew his father, jeeping the uncanny valley and started drawing his brother, he was older than Katsuki- but Katsuki drew him small under an unportionate father. He didn't have enough time to finish his brother's face, so decided to leave it. It was a decently big drawing- with detail most people wouldn't be able to get in a week's worth of drawing. He left first, leaving his drawing on the teacher's desk as she had instructed. He walked quickly to the front of the building to meet his boyfriend.

They walked to the library on the high street and went in, they saw a couple people they knew inside but kept their cool. The older man at the desk asked if they were new,
"We've never been to the library before..." he smiled st them both and lead them to the books they wanted.
"Why would two such fine friends need these books?" He asked as he leas them to the section for information about the town and surrounding areas.
"School project." Bakugou replied bluntly. He nodded and said goodbye and went back to the front desk, Kirishima looked out for a book about services and hotels. Bakugou looked for a section on the law. He could be put into foster care but he would still need to get a job and it might be harder in foster care. He would be hurt more by staying at his house but either way... he's fucked. Bakugou tried to stay neutral, but he had his own problems that were shading his decisions. He tried his hardest to be confident and normal, but it was cracking and breaking down. Kirishima found a number for a service for LGBTQ+ youth and wrote it down. He quickly put the book back and told Bakugou.
"Call it from a phone box, Ill get you change." He nodded and they left the library. "I'm gonna take out a tenner from an atm, pay into the shop for a fiver and some 20ps and fifties. We'll use the one by the train station." He nodded and they did exactly that.

"Hello? Young people's LGBTQIA+ hotline, this is Linda speaking." He tried to speak a little lower and more quiet.
"Hello..." he said but stayed quiet, he swore under his breath as he saw a spider, "sorry... there was a spider." He almost yelled as Bakugou tickled his neck as if there was a spider.
"Is everything alright? We need to keep this line open for anyone who needs urgent help." He took a deep breath,
"Em... fuck... sorry." He hung up. Bakugou sighed and looked around, no one was there so he hugged him,
"Do you want to call again, or do you want me to call for you?" He nodded his head and he took the phone and put in his coins,
"Hello? Young people's LGBTQIA+ hotline, this is Linda speaking." He took a deep breath,
"Sorry about hanging up the last time... that was my boyfriend." She hummed and told him not to apologise. "The thing is... his parents found out about us and they kicked him out..." he listened to her apology on their behalf, "I looked it up in the library and... it said, he can be kicked out legally- but he can also be in foster care. To be put into foster care is there like certain things he needs to meet to be taken in?" She sighed.

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