Pride No. 2 Daniel and Ian's rugby practice

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Daniel and Ian showed up early and chained their bikes up next to each others, and slowly made their way across the field. The coach nodded to them and they nodded back, Ian made a joke and Daniel laughed loudly. He covered his mouth once he realised a bunch of people were watching him. They put their boots on and while no one else was watching snogged a little. They hugged and kissed one more time, Daniel with back against the wall on the side and Ian almost on top of him as they snogged.
"Love ya, Dany." He said as he put his hand slowly under his shirt,
"After..." he slid his hand back but Daniel pulled it back up. "I'll keep quiet for a bit now." He smiled and kissed him again to keep him quiet. He slowly felt over his abs and over his sides which made him twitch, "Fuck..." he whispered as they parted for a second. They heard a small cough on the side of the seating and opened their eyes wide and broke the saliva that strung between them. They turned around and saw it was a coach on who was leaning but facing the other way. They kept apart after that but Daniel sat with his legs over him and Ian felt up and down his body slightly as they pretended to watch the younger ones.

"God these shorts are tight," Ian said, making Daniel laugh a little and cover his face and he tried not ti look down,
"Mine too." He said as he covered his mouth and looked away to the field.
"Now I gotta look down." Ian whispered in his ear,
"God... we still have practice." He smirked and pushed his legs off and checked his watch.
"Yep... and we are right on time if we leave now." He pulled him back down onto the benches and snogged him a bit more. They then heard the pitter of small boots coming their way. They parted and let the string of saliva keep them connected as they cleared their throats and put their boots on quickly and took off their watches. They pulled down their high socks and squeezed their legs tightly and pretended to stretch. They walked out the dug out and to the field,
"What took you two so long?" The coach who was leaning against the seats said. "I saw you walk in." They sallowed hard,
"We were playing a game on our phones..." Ian said quickly to cover their asses. He nodded but looked skeptical. Daniel pulled his shorts down as the coach turned around, Ian pulled them back up and smiled at him.

As the drills came into play, they picked each other and daniel layed on the ground facing the floor and Ian lay the opposite way on top of him.
"You're too fat, bird!" Daniel said, to mock him,
"Stop calling me that- Dan." He said to annoy him. He huffed and rilled over throwing him off. They swapped and Ian actually threw him off then turned. Daniel was pissed off but Ian hugged him and threw his arm over his shoulder as the coach called them over.
"Why did you two take so long in the seats?" They looked at each other, "don't look at each other, you should have the answer." Ian leaned back so he could see Daniel's reaction,
"With all due respect, sir, why does it matter?" He sighed and Daniel looked down,
"You should be here on time," he pointed at the ground and raised his voice a little, "when we need you here!" He yelled. Ian stepped behind Daniel and watched him through the corner of his eye as he shouted towards him.
"Could've just said that, no need to yell at us!" Ian spoke with his chest.
"Don't take that attitude with me!" He yelled, "you wouldn't treat your mother like this," he yelled as he slowly leaned into Daniel's face, "so do not treat me like this!" The team had all paused and the other coaches were trying to keep their groups focused as Daniel shook and his eyes darted around.

He sent them away to continue the exercise and Daniel bumped into Ian as he turned to walk back. Ian didn't put his arm around his shoulder but looked down at the ground the same as he did. Ian layed on the ground as he waited for Daniel to lay in top but he didn't, he stood up still and bit his nails. Ian quickly jumped up, gently holding his wrist and placing a hand on his back. He stepped back a little and turned away from the others, he stopped and felt a surge of sick in his stomach. He pulled his hand away and threw up, once and then the second with no time to breathe in between. Ian kept a hand on his back but had ti step away. Somebody else smelt it and looked over to see where it was coming from. They pointed it out to the female coach and she walked over before being hit with the smell, she coughed and covered her mouth and nose with her club branded jumper.
"Ian, take him back to the seats. Ill bring you some tissues and water in a couple minutes." He nodded and leaned down to whisper to him. He leaned up and wiped his mouth as he leaned against Ian and walked back to the seating.

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