Pride No. 22

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He walked along the barely lit street limping as his leg dragged down the path. He wobbled his way to the dirt path in the woods and walked himself to the hospital. It was pitch black until he got to the lit path and he hobbled in. No one turned their head as the doors opened but they did once they saw a trail of blood being left as he hopped into the A&E the nurse at reception immediately went around the side and helped him to a chair. His leg was fully backwards, he was covered in blood and bruises. He coughed up blood and felt the blood collecting at the back of his throat. The nurse brought him a bowl as she tried to find any spare bed, he spat blood and spit into the bowl before he felt a rush up his throat. Bile and random soup looking liquid came up. He was transferred to a bed as he slowly lost consciousness, he fought it and everything was spacey and dizzy. His tears finally left his eyes as he realised he might not wake up. He reached for his sleeve and tried to pull it up, he managed and felt his world getting fuzzier.
"Fuck." He said he couldn't hear it, he took his finger and touched his ear and blood running down the side of his head. They tried to put a canula into his arm but saw the writing and tried his other arm or leg, they couldn't as everywhere there were scars.
"Can you hear me?"
"Barely." He whispered out,
"What's your name?" It faded out,
"Katsuki..." he whispered as his head started to hurt badly.

"We need to put a canula in your chest, please do not panic." He stayed quiet and let them put one in, he saw stars, he whispered quietly.
"Please... just let me die." He felt on the brink. "I'm so sorry." He felt a tear run down his cheek as he passed out. As he slowly woke up he felt someone touching his leg. He woke stark up and kicked them off, the doctor was surprised and the junior doctors with him took a couple steps back. He grabbed a knife from beside himself and didn't realise it was double edged as he threatened them with it. They stepped outside as the nurses ran in the security held him down. He cut his leg a couple times before it was taken off him and he was given a very light sedative to make him drowsy. The police came in to talk to him,
"Hello, what's your name?" He spat to the side of himself.
"Katsuki." The police looked disgusted.
"Your last name." He looked at them like they weren't even talking.
"What happened to you?" He raised his arm and then looked away from the both of them. He felt himself slowly drift off to sleep, he smiled as he forgot all that had happened. The police were very confused, getting the nurse, they shook him awake. He kicked around trying to get another sedative, it worked and he fell asleep while smiling.

When he woke up there was no one around and he looked at the time, they should have been in 10 minutes ago. He stayed for 5 more minutes before he turned the plugs off and tore out his canula and forced open a cabinet with a bunch of knifes in it. He took one and slit his neck, he smiled as he looked out his room and took a deep breath before closing his eyes and slowly going to the bed and laying down carefully to sleep. The neck slit was big enough and he cut it further, slitting his jugular. He smiled and dropped the knife bleeding out fast as his hand dropped the knife and his body drained its blood supply. As a nurse walked by a couple minutes later she pushed the emergency button and a bunch of doctors rushed down to find his already dead. Called his time of death and threw a white sheet over him as they wheeled his out the room. His hand fell out and the wind from the door opening blew the cover open just enough for his son walking in to see his face.
"Daddy?!" He yelled as he ran up to it, he tore the blanket off and fell back when he saw his daddy's pale face. Kirishima ran up to him and held his face.

"Do you know who this is?" He nodded,
"That's my husband."


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