Pride No. 14

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He smiled lightly as he opened a text from a girl,
"Tit pic, nice." His brother said over his shoulder, he continued swiping through his snaps and got to a dick pic. "Oof, looks like someone didn't get the message." His older brother left him alone and he sent the guy a text.
"Dtf?" He sent back a text and he quickly excused himself from the family thing. He left to the park where they'd meet, probably go back to his and fuck before he had to leave and he would never talk to him again. He smiled at the thought and took out a fag as he waited near to where he told him to wait, he learned from first hand experience that not every 'gay' guy had the intentions of meeting him to be gay. Some to be the exact opposite with a gang of homophobes and ugly mother fucking racist skin heads. Though they weren't all bad, he learned to keep his distance from them. He saw a gang of guys approaching and rolled his eyes, he texted the guy and waited to see if they changed their direction, none of them looked pretty fast.
"I'm wearing something special for you." He sent a pic of him with no face or background with a tent and no clothes on but a hand covering himself. "Nothing at all ;)" one of the guy's phone beeped and they saw him waiting by the lamppost and looking at them to see if they changed who they were looking for. They started sprinting after him, one almost catching him before he took a quick turn and jumped a wall. He climbed up to a window and slid it up, once he was sure he lost them he sent a video of him in private. He heard a grunting in the abandoned flat, he hid around a bend and hoped to god it wasn't the guy who was chasing him. As the guy lag on the sofa he saw it was, but he turned on his phone and saw the video he sent and saw a small tent rise.

"What the fuck?" He whispered as he heard his own voice and his deep breaths, slowly the guy bit his lip and sallowed hard. He took a step out into the light and the guy looked up at him and then at the video.
"You wanna or not? This video is the bomb." He shrugged and thought, 'why tf not?" He got closer and leaned over his legs,
"Any bed I can use?" He nodded and kissed his beck gently holding his legs as he grabbed his thighs and carried him through. He threw him down, he sat down and kay got off his ass and straddled him, the bed was dishevelled but had newish covers so it didn't feel bad, but fuck that if they think he was going to lay down to take it. He pulled the back of his joggers down as he unbuttoned the guy's jeans.
"You gonna ride me you slut?" He nodded and leaned down to suck his dick, he licked the tip as the man groaned and then all the way down and back up until it was entirely coated. He then got back on top of him and pulled his joggers down to expose his ass but still keep everything else covered. He slowly sat down on it and moaned lightly before he started moving slowly. His shoes were almost falling off and he felt better without them so he chucked them off to the floor beside them and grimaced as he felt a knot in his stomach. The guys pulled him down to make out with him, before he sat up and held him in the right soot to hit the g-spot perfectly.

He moaned deeply before the guy stood up and held him facing up until they got to a desk then put him on his back and spread his legs and fucked him tightly on the front. His joggers had ridden down and now exposed his dick perfectly. The guy grabbed tissue and held it over his dick grabbing a band to put it around his dick. He thought it was just so it wouldn't get messy until he was being pounded into as hard as possible at a immediate speed. He was moaning so fast he couldn't think, he trued to move himself away but couldn't. The guy held him down and pressed on his stomach. After about 10 minutes he gasped and his legs squeezed and his ass squeezed tightly as he came into the tissue. The guy smiled and without any break at all, flipped him onto his stomach and did the same thing. His g-spot was bruised, and so was his ego when the guy had him cum 4 times already and he hadn't finished once. He moaned loudly and grabbed onto the man as he finished inside of him finally. He rode it out and when he pulled out kay was completely defeated. Kay tried to pull himself up but his arms were shaking so bad he couldn't even move onto his back. The man took off the tissue and then carried him to the slightly broken bathroom; wiping his dick down and then wiping his ass lightly sticking a finger in.
"Fuck you." He whispered as he laid his head onto the man's shoulder, he man laughed a wiped his own dick after putting Kat down on the toilet.

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