Prolouge -Alive(?)-|MILLIE/MATT|

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'I shouldn't be alive'

Those were her first thoughts as she came back into consciousness.

Her second thought was if her head was still attached to her neck, which, as a quick test movement answered, was yes, her head was still firmly attached to her neck.

She carefully sat up, not missing the fact that she was laying on the floor of her grandfather's shed, in a puddle of blood.

".....Silly Millie?" The soft, mechanical, glitching whisper made her freeze, then she jumped up and whipped around, and as she feared, there Funtime Freddy set on a work table, chest and stomach covered in blood.

"L-leave me alone" She spat out, heart hammering in her chest as memories flooded back, specifically of the blade going toward her neck and..... And cutting through it.

"How" She whispered, although she didn't know who she expected to answer, as surely Funtime Freddy didn't know, and even if he did he wouldn't share it with her.

"How is a.... G-good question" Funtime Freddy stuttered out, sounding -if it was possible- more shocked then she was, and he wasn't even the one who just 'died'!

She slowly began to back away, inching toward the door one tiny footstep at a time, as Funtime Freddy seemed to loose himself in thought, probably pondering how the fuck she was 'alive'.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Funtime Freddy called out as Millie started to increase her speed, she expected him to get up but he remained there, arms tensed like he wanted to get up but not a single twitch of movement from his legs.

"You can't walk, can you?" She breathed out, realization dawning on her.

"......You try walking on legs with shattered bones, then tell me if you can walk" Funtime Freddy growled back, voice low, which sent a shiver of fear down her spine as she remembered why there was blood splattered on the animatronic.

"Is a couple pistons being broken really that bad?" She snapped back, determined to not let her fear show.

"Ask your grandfather about it, I'm sure he has an answer, or you can come see the damage for yourself" the animatronic replied, eyes glinting, the slightly sharp points of his canine teeth gleaming in the light.

"I'll look if you stand up and come over here yourself" she spat back before exiting the shed and running toward her house, toward her grandfather, as she ran she tried to ignore the memories of what happened, but they kept pressing on her, and she had a sinking feeling that she would eventually return to the shed.


Matt coughed and blinked open his eyes, at first unsure of why he was laying in a puddle of blood and why his stomach hurt like a bitch, oh, and why he had a knife in one hand.

A small squeak sounded and Matt's eyes were drawn to the twisted creature in front of his face, which he had thought at first resembled Springtrap, but he could see now that it simply had gaps in it's body, gaping holes into the inside of it, where he could see it's twisted internal structure.

He'd swore he heard it speak but as he cautiously watched it it didn't utter so much as one sound that was recognizable as belonging to the English alphabet.

He stood up, wincing softly as the cut on his stomach tugged the surrounding skin... Wait, why was it connected somewhat to the surrounding skin if it was a fresh wound?

Matt checked and it looked more like a angry red slice in his skin then a cut that had quite literally sliced open at least one organ. Because he knew he was missing one vital organ, his fucking stomach, which was where the little beast must've taken residence as it grew, inside of his body.

He carefully grabbed the thing by it's scruff and carried it outside, ignoring it's protesting noises and the way his heart twisted in discomfort at the creatures discomfort.

He raised the knife he still held, ready to plunge it into the creatures chest and end it's miserable, twisted, short life, even though his heart stung and deeper, unknown parts of his conscience yelled at him to stop and to clutch the creature against his chest.

Matt paused when he spotted something, a odd figure in a black cloak that was slowly approaching him, they were to tall to be a human and anything that was exposed looked akin to the skeleton exposed in the gaps of the creatures flesh.

It pointed to the creature and pointed to him before, seemingly unconsciously, touched a nearby bush, which proceeded to wither away.

It then proceeded to reach towards him, not towards the creature, towards him.

His heart rate sped up as the beings hand drew closer, he had no doubt that it would do what it to to the bush to him.

"What do you want?" He whispered, and it paused, tilting it's head toward the creature.

"What about it?" He snapped, letting his disgust toward the creatures twisted existence show.

'He didn't ask to be born, she is not the cause of your hurt' a voice whispered in his mind, he guessed it belonged to the being, as it was the only non child being in the area that wasn't him.

"What do you want me to fucking do then? Care for it?-" Matt spat, then break off with a splutter as the being nodded when he snapped about caring for the creature.

"Fine, j-just get your plant killing hand away from me!" He yelped as the hand twitched a little bit, before retreating as the being slowly made it's way back toward where it came from.

He carefully held the creature a little closer and examined it, he couldn't help but admit that it didn't look angry, nor vicious, just cold, in pain and scared.

Plus it was a fucking baby! What was it gonna do, bite his toe?

He carefully clutched it toward his chest before hurrying back to his house, closing any open blinds once he was inside so no-one saw the creature, because if they did he didn't know what the creatures fate would be, but he bet it wouldn't be good.

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