Chap 14 -Meeting Millie, she's okay I guess- |MATT|

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It had been a long drive and Matt was about done, the impromptu road trip and lack of a place to stay over the past two nights had been wearing him down just a small bit, Plush Spring Bonnie thankfully didn't seem affected, it slept most of the day away.

He didn't even care what town he was in until out on a whim he decided to visit a -almost- abandoned theater in the town, and found loose fur, pink fur, nothing fully natural had pink fur.

So he decided to stay and investigate, wondering what the fuck had been or was in the theater and why did it have pink fur?

He saw three teenagers -two girls and one boy- enter the theater and didn't think much of it until he accidentally overhead a snippet of their conversation -"...--n't believe that fox nearly killed me!-..."-.

So the mystery creature was a fox, interesting, and it had nearly killed the one male teenager, missing his face by inches if the scrape on the kids nose was anything to judge by.

He then overhead a more worrying thing, that the fox was currently 'offline' in one of the teenagers grandfather's workshop, the teenager in question was a black haired girl named Millie with a silver necklace that had an odd design carved into it.

Matt by all rights shouldn't up and left, he shouldn't even have a reason to stay in this town plus the business with the fox wasn't anything that effected him, but he was curious, this was the closest -technically- strange incident he'd heard about, and while the one about the girl turning into a scrap heap was close the white -he'd also found white fur- and pink furred fox nearly killing the male teenager was more recent.

He followed them back to a workshop -Which was apparently Millie's Grandfather's workshop- and was about to try 'spying' when a hand grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted him off the ground slightly.

"What business do you have with them?" A voice growled out, causing Matt to freeze because you don't forget Funtime Freddy's odd voice, even when you've only heard it in recordings and mocking recreations.

".....What business do you have with them?" Matt shot back, wondering why on earth Funtime Freddy was there, and considering the rumors he'd heard of the animatronic being taken to the scrap yard how the fuck he looked near pristine condition wise.

"That's none of your business-" Funtime Freddy snapped, then realized the same point applied to Matt, who simply raised one eyebrow when Funtime Freddy stared at the ground with a odd expression for a couple seconds.

"Are you some sort of stalker?" Funtime Freddy growled, looking back at Matt, who's shirt collar he was still holding.

"...No, I've.....  just apparently got something in common them, as strange shit has happened to me to, although it's alot more work then the boy nearly getting killed by a strange fox" Matt said, Looking back at the workshop briefly.

"And Millie getting killed by me?" Funtime Freddy asked, causing Matt to choke on air briefly in surprise.

"So I'm not alone in the technically being dead shit" Matt muttered, staring at the ground for a second as he processed.

"I'm just going to drag you over to the group of idiotic teenagers, and maybe knock you out if they decide you need to be held hostage or something" Funtime Freddy grumbled, already dragging Matt toward the workshop, despite the fact that Matt was doing his best to prevent just that from happening.

He couldn't risk even the slight chance of being away from Plush for over two hours!

A number of things could happen, including hungry wild animals not stopped by the car doors managing to get into the car and killing and eating Plush.

"Let me go!" Matt spat, twisting in Funtime Freddy's hold in an attempt to get away, despite the bears iron grip and the risk of being injured as a consequence for trying to escape.

"Why should I?" Funtime Freddy spat back, ears twisting back as he glared at Matt.

"My fucking child! I had to flee my home city and only have my car to stay in, you want the fucking native wild animals to find a good meal?!" Matt snapped, strong, near animalistic desire to get back to his child, his kit, and make sure Plush was safe and okay making him only try harder to get away, not caring about the possibility of ripping his shirt.

"Then get your child and come back, so you can explain why your fucking hanging around and spying on three teenagers to said three teenagers" Funtime Freddy snapped, letting Matt go.

Matt nodded, barely registering the words before he shot off like an arrow, heading straight for his car, not caring about how odd he must look racing down the streets like that.

Thankfully Plush was okay and hadn't even really seemed to realize that Matt had been gone for long, which helped Matt to calm down, and then realize that his memory right before Funtime Freddy let him go had begun to go a bit fuzzy for a odd reason.

Matt carefully made a makeshift sling and situated Plush in it before heading back the way he came, steps reluctant and nerves fried about being forced to reveal Plush existed but also not wanting to risk what kinds of things Funtime Freddy could do for Matt not coming, including faking a phone call to tell the police Matt's location.

"Why have you got a sling?" Was the first question Matt was asked, and he immediately froze, strange, primal thoughts warring with his rational thoughts about telling the truth or not saying anything.

Matt let out a soft whine-huff mixed noise and -after carefully lifting Plush out of the sling- explained what happened to him, maybe leaving out the him killing police officers bit.

"Well that makes three of us" Millie muttered, looking over at the blond haired girl -who's name was Brooke apparently, and the boys name was apparently Dylan-.

In the end they made a deal, the group didn't rat him out to the authorities and he help them if need be.

It was a relatively good deal and one that kept Plush safe so Matt ended up agreeing, and also agreeing to come back the next day as back up in helping to repairing the foxes-Funtime Foxy's- voice-box and figuring out what the fuck was wrong with the fox -besides the voice-box- in the first place.

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