Chap 21 -Rebuilding: Shit, she can write with only an arm! |MILLIE|

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A click, followed by the sound of something falling to the floor.

"GOD JODIDO DAMN IT!" Millie swore, trying -and failing- for the fifth time to get the little, itty bitty connecting piece for Sarah's shoulder to stay.

"Finally" She sighed, after the piece finally clicked into place and stayed when she attached Sarah's shoulder to it, which connected Sarah's shoulder to her spine -which was surprisingly in one piece so no assembling a spine piece by piece-.

"Can you feel it?" Millie asked, she -and Sarah- had developed a system where Sarah would thumbs up if the new attached piece felt right.

"Alright, that's good" Millie said, a small smile tugging at her lips as Sarah's hand formed a thumbs up, which was getting less shaky and more stable -which was good-.

"That's you dominant hand right?" Millie asked, spinning in her chair for a couple seconds before Sarah responded as best as she could, tapping 'Y E S' out in morse cord, because apparently just dong a thumbs up for a yes or no question sometimes just wasn't enough.

"Think you can write?" Another 'Y E S' was tapped out, and Millie got up and grabbed a paper and a pencil -that had an eraser on the end- and placed it by Sarah's hand.

"You don't have to write if you don't want to, I just figured you might like to be able to communicate better" Millie said, leaning back in her chair.

'Thank you, for helping me'
Sarah carefully wrote out, hand a bit shaky but still managing it.

"You welcome"

'You've said my name before, do you know who I am?'
Millie paused at Sarah's question, sure Sarah might be a bit curious how Millie knew her name, but it didn't seem like that, rather like she was asking Millie if she knew who Sarah was, not just name but identity.

"What do you mean by that?"

'You know my name is Sarah, but did you manage to find out my true last name? Someone hid it from me, I can't find what it is besides the fact it starts with an A'

"No, I didn't, but I only looked surface level, I can try to find it out if you want"

'It's alright, you don't have to, now, I believe you have questions?' Sarah wrote, Millie nodded before thinking for a second.

"How tall are you?"
An odd question to ask yes, but something about the length of Sarah's spine felt off, like it was longer then it should be for her height.

'I had a tail the length of what is meant to be a twisted recreation of my spine if that's what your curious about'

"Your a form of shifter?"

'Of sorts, I have a form, but, it's not normal, I don't know what I am, but I'm not a were or hybrid'

".......That almost sounds  ominous"

'My turn, are you a shapeshifter?'



"Do you parents know the truth of what happened to you or do they just think you missing?"

Sarah's hand shook as she wrote, ink soaking through the paper and pencil gripped tight enough to possibility damage it.

"What do you mean?"

Millie blinked at the words, which gave little information up, besides Sarah apparently having a missing brother and a parental figure-?- she had nick-named Mama, or possibly one of her bio parents if the adults Sarah had been living with truly weren't her parents, either way Millie would probably have to tread carefully.

"Want to tell me about your brother? Maybe I can see if I can find him or something"

'His name w/\/\ is Gregory. He's my twin, I don't think you can find him. He's like me but not, dead but still alive'

"oh.... How did he die?"

'He was stabbed, all because he couldn't' Millie blinked at the sudden cut off of the words, there was still room on the paper but Sarah just stopped writing.
"Are you okay Sarah?"

'Mostly, my wrist kind of hurts though'

"Alright, I'm going to put up the paper, it's probably best we both take a break" Millie said, glancing briefly at her own wrists, which stung a little bit from the practical fight she had with the connecting joint for Sarah's shoulder.

'Ok' Sarah wrote, before lifting her hand slightly so Millie could grab the paper and put it on a shelf nearby.

"I'll be back, just gonna go make sure the two Funtime idiots didn't kill each other" Millie said before exiting the workshop, quickly heading toward where Funtime Foxy liked to stay, which was the roots of a hollow tree for some reason -weird fox-.

At the current moment no argument was happening and there were no destroyed animatronic's laying about so that was a plus. Funtime Freddy was currently watching as Funtime Foxy was attempting to figure out how to climb a tree -something about it just didn't seem right-.

Millie walked over and leaned against Funtime Freddy, not really caring about his reaction anymore, he may be violent most of the time but he hadn't really tried to do anything to her -aside from some comments- since she died, so she just really didn't care about the fact he could still kill her easily anymore.

Funtime Freddy glanced quickly at her before returning to watching Funtime Foxy's idiocy, not even stiffening or anything.

Millie briefly wondered how Matt was doing with Greg and Fetch but figured he was fine, a gun would still do damage to Fetch, more damage then it would do against say Funtime Freddy actually, and Matt could handle any bouts of idiocy on his own fairly well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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