Chap 17 -Rebuilding: Rescue and fragile life like hope- |MILLIE|

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Millie woke up slowly, she had been up practically all night perfecting their plan to at least travel to Sarah's town and see if the girl needed help, and if Sarah was still scrap they were going to take her back here, even if they had to drag trash bags all the way bag.

How Millie, Dylan, Brooke and the two animatronic's were going to get there was the only really incomplete part of the plan, Millie had settled on the idea of walking, although she was pretty sure Funtime Foxy had plans to grab Dylan and just run all the way there to the town with him, the fox was fast and stronger then she looked so it was possible.

Which left Millie and Brooke walking, as Millie was pretty sure Funtime Freddy was also going to run there, probably at a slower pace then Funtime Foxy but probably still faster then a normal human could go, and even some hybrid species.

She quickly realized she wasn't in her room, nor was she leaning against Funtime Freddy, the cold metal curving around her giving her some flashbacks before she realized she wasn't in Funtime Freddy's chest cavity, but instead that the bear was curled around her, a soft snore like sound rumbling in his chest.

"Get up" she whispered, flicking the animatronic bear on the nose, Funtime Freddy snorted and blinked open his eyes, ears flopped for a second before his mind focused and he quickly got up, quickly apologising to Millie about it, even though she hadn't really minded, the only real issue had been suddenly waking up to the animatronic bear curled around her.

After that Millie quickly started packing the stuff she would need, although she packed pretty lightly as she had no plans to walk a couple miles with a heavy backpack.

"Hi Millie!" Brooke called, her and Dylan having arrived at Millie's house, supplies packed and ready.

"Hi Brooke" Millie said, looking over the wrench she was holding currently, to see if it would suffice as a weapon if necessary.

"Be prepared for a heart attack Dylan, I think Funtime Foxy has plans to grab you and run, while carrying you" Millie said, putting down the wrench at Funtime Freddy's glare, as the bear was probably reminded of Millie's threats of animatronic injury.

"Joy" Dylan muttered, walking over to Funtime Foxy and glaring at her.

"Just cling tightly to my shoulders and you'll be fine" Funtime Foxy tried to reassure Dylan, although he still looked doubtful he carefully climbed onto the foxes back at her insistence.

"She isn't exactly the only one, Millie, Brooke, I can carry two people but..... Millie already knows how one person has to be carried, in my stomach cavity, it's meant for a person to fit but..... Unfortunate events happened, leading to Millie getting pretty badly injured" Funtime Freddy said, looking down at the ground when vaguely mentioning Millie's death, as though he felt somewhat guilty.

"Open the plate idiot, I'll do it, I doubt Brooke would do well in a cramped space like that" Millie said, trying to steel the wave of fear at the simple idea of being in Funtime Freddy's chest cavity, and also of Brooke being carried by the bear.

"I can sit in there with you! I sometimes just randomly sleep in there anyway so it's no problem" Bon Bon said, ears flicking up as he looked at Millie.

She nodded before carefully climbing into Funtime Freddy's chest cavity after convincing the bear to open the god damn plate, Bon Bon quickly crawled in after her and settled down on her chest, a soft purr like sound coming from the rabbit puppet, as though he was trying to help calm Millie down.

Millie heard the sounds of Funtime Freddy helping Brooke onto his shoulders before Funtime Foxy called out to Funtime Freddy and the animatronic bear started moving, going slow at first -probably to avoid Brooke falling off if he suddenly started running- before speeding up into a fast, loping pace, probably not going top speed but still pretty fast.

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