Chap 10 -Gunfight and fleeing the city- |MATT|

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The police somehow not only managed to recognize the train-shredded body of the cop Matt killed but also somehow connect him to the crime despite the fact that the cop could've easily been killed on his way back, or hell even stepped on the train tracks at the wrong moment.

But instead of fucking off and assuming it was someone else's work or a unfortunate accident they just had to somehow trace the crime to Matt and show up at his door, surrounding his house and demanding he come out.

Matt had been getting ready to leave the city and had packed everything that he wanted to take with up, and he had gotten his car ready for a quick get away, including managing to make guards for the tires so someone couldn't shoot them out if they tried.

He had just been waiting on the gaps in Plush Spring Bonnie's body to completely close so there was less risk of someone peeking in the window and seeing Plush with the gaps open, the biggest gaps were nearly closed at this point though so that was fortunate.

Matt carefully loaded his gun, having already placed his stuff in his car -which was currently in his garage-, and then carefully moved a sleeping Plush into the passenger side seat, make sure to avoid waking up the rabbit kit, things could get messy and Matt didn't want Plush to see it if it did.

"COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" One of the cops outside yelled, signaling that Matt needed to go, now.

Matt quickly loaded and readied the pistol he had stole off the cop before setting the garage door to open and getting in the car, one window cracked open so he could shoot the cops if need be.

Safe to say the cops were not happy about him making his escape and moved to chase him, occasionally trying to shoot his car.

So he shot at their cars, managing to take at ones right front tie and watching at the car proceeded to nearly take out another cop car, although the second cars driver was smart enough to swerve out of the way.

In return the cops tried to shoot out Matt's cars tires only to realize hat he'd protected his cars tires as preparation for that very situation.

"COME AT ME BITCHES!" He shouted, briefly opening the window and sticking his head out to provoke then before ducking his head back inside the car and quickly rolling up the window.

Somehow Plush was still sleeping in the passenger seat, Matt quickly prodded the mind link and was relieved when Plush didn't seem to be scared about the gunshots going off or the yelling.

"SIR PULL OVER!" One of the cops bellowed, the same one that had yelled at him to get out of his house.

"SUCK MY DICK INSTEAD YOU HOMOPHOBIC ASS BITCH!" Matt yelled back, he knew this cop, as he had actually stood up to the cop after seeing him harass a gay couple with no provocation.

"SIR I WILL NOT ASK TWICE!" The cop practically screamed, sounding particularly upset about the dick sucking comment, which meant that Matt needed to make more gay comments to get under the cops skin because he could.

"WHAT, GOTTA GET TO YOUR LOCAL HOMOPHOBIC BAR AND THEN GO SHOOT SOME GAY OR LESBIAN COUPLES?!" Matt shot back, smirking when he saw the cop -who was sticking his head out his window at this point- face go a bit more red -as it was red before-.

"SIR!" The cop didn't even realize that he was in danger due to his head being out the window until he realized Matt had his gun pointed at his head.

"SWEET DREAMS, I HOPE YOU DREAM OF GAY SEX!" Matt shouted before firing the gun, causing a nice red splatter to come from the cops head as he slumped, car going out of control now that it's driver was dead.

The other cop cars actually pulled up, seeming to forget about Matt in their haste to see if there was any chance of saving the cop Matt had shot, even though there was no chance that the cop could survive a bullet to the brain.

Matt quickly got away after that, he did check the news but no-one had gotten a picture and he had already erased all traces of his full name from anywhere that he could after killing the cop.

A half hour into the drive Plush stirred and blinked, jaw stretching open in a yawn before it moved to lean against Matt's hand -which was on the console-.

Matt briefly looked over and smiled, Plush might not actually be the most conventional child but he was Matt's child now, and there was no changing that or room for arguments.

Matt hadn't even realized he thought of Plush as his own kid until he went to call Plush his son and realized he didn't know Plush's gender, so he decided to stick with it/its for now as Plush didn't seem bothered by it.

Matt knew he probably was wanted in the city he had lived in, and he didn't exactly know where to go but he preferred that over the alternative, Plush being killed or treated as a weird thing to ogle over, when in reality Plush was his/her own person, as deserving of a right to live as any other sentient, peaceful being.

Tar, Flowers. Agony, Hope. What's the difference?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя