Chap 19 -Kidnapping, I mean rescuing a feral kid and a feral robot dog |MILLIE|

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It took two days to finalize the plans to go -kidnap- rescue a kid that was probably feral and his definitely feral animatronic dog.

Mainly because Funtime Foxy kept starting screaming matches with Funtime Freddy that Millie, Dylan, Brooke and Matt quickly had to hush before Millie's Grandfather heard them and went to investigate only to find one more animatronic then he signed up for and a strange man with a strange looking rabbit kit in a sling in the workshop or in the area around it.

Because that would be bad, and also spark alot of questions that would definitely get the police called, and as Millie had a gut feeling that Matt hadn't been joking when he offhandendly mentioned that he was wanted for killing two cops where he came from, getting the police called on them was probably bad.

Millie was currently sitting on a tree branch in a tree nearby the workshop, watching the others scramble around, Dylan and Brooke had been pestering her to try even partially shifting so she was currently sporting some white cat ears and tail and sharp claws that -as she had recently found out- where great for climbing, she also had more fur then a normal cat hybrid/shifter but at least she could somewhat control her abilities, even though the fire kept trying to shift her into a full on cat instead of just having the features of one that a hybrid/shifter would have.

"Millie? Where are you?! We're ready to go!" Brooke called, already sitting on Funtime Freddy's shoulders, with Dylan clinging -with a poorly masked mix of terror and reluctant anticipation in his eyes- to Funtime Foxy in a rough imitation of a piggyback ride.

"Here!" Millie called sliding down the bark, losing the ears and tail before she even came out of the leaf cover but keeping the claws until both of her feet were on the ground.

"Ready?" Funtime Freddy asked, the question both meant for asking if Millie was ready to go and if she was ready to ride inside Funtime Freddy's chest cavity again.

"Hang on, I've got an idea! Shift to an animal with a scruff bitch!" Funtime Foxy said, and the phrasing of her request for Millie to shift immediately gave away her plans.

"Fine, but I do warn you, I bite" Millie said, body already shrinking and morphing into a cat, a Maine-coone to be specific, technically, she wasn't sure if normal Shapeshifters could shift into specific cat breeds but then again, she definitely wasn't normal at this point.

She let out a soft gasp -which translated to a mrow when she was a cat, apparently- when Funtime Foxy leaned over and gently picked up her scruff, sharp deadly teeth directly touching Millie but not piercing her skin.

Funtime Foxy then took off, leaving Funtime Freddy to follow with a soft snort, Millie then realized Funtime Foxy was actually running on all fours, her oddly long arms, oddly positioned joints and tough paw-pads on her fingers and hands making proper sense now.

Dylan was clinging to Funtime Foxy's back in a position more like you would sit when riding a horse going full gallop then the position one would take when receiving a piggyback ride.

She peeked over at Funtime Freddy and saw she was right about the way he ran, it was sort of a loping stride, with him covering more ground with bigger strides so he didn't have to run as fast.

The wind running through her fur made her quite glad she'd picked a cat breed with long, thick and fluff fur instead of a short furred general cat that's fur probably wouldn't be as good protection against the cold of the wind.

They had to stop for the night before continuing, the trip took longer and although they managed to pull off convincing their parents that they were going on a shirt trip and didn't quite know how long they were going to be Millie was still nervous they wouldn't make it back before suspicions rose to much.

For the second day of travel Millie remained as a cat but her -by now- sore scruff was given a break when Funtime Freddy randomly starting carrying her, using the arm Bon Bon was attached to the gently press Millie against his chest while he ran, and without having to shield her eyes from the wind Millie was actually able to see where they were going, and how fast they were going, trees and rocks going by in a somewhat blur.

The town was more of a small city, and it took a little bit for them to find where Greg was -a sort of juvenile jail, he had reduced sentence just for being a minor but he was still in a prison, in a cell that was more a cage then anything-.

Millie had regained human form, the fire a fair bit more tame then usual, turning into more of a soft warmth in her joints then a burning hot fire that urged her body to change and shift.

Funtime Foxy was in her human-?- form with them this time, mostly as protection in case either feral child or feral dog tried to attack them, even with Millie's shifting proving a challenge even if the shift took longer then most shifters and with Brooke having a knife -Millie strongly suspected Matt gave her it-.

Funtime Freddy was there aswell, just doing his sneaky animatronic stuff in order to get into the building undetected, as he was waiting beside Greg's "cell", as was the brown dog with well hidden joint plates and a blue collar that was growling at Funtime Freddy with murder plans probably in it's mind.

Greg glanced up when Millie crouched in front of his "cell", despite the dirty, matted state of his brown hair and his torn clothes his amber eyes still held a fierce fire, a fire that burned with the desire to live and be free, meaning being in prison hadn't broken him, not yet.

"We're gonna get you out, just be prepared, I think Funtime Freddy has plans to go after your parents kneecaps" Millie said, not breaking eye contact with Greg as Funtime Freddy carefully broke the cell lock, allowing Millie to gently open it.

Greg didn't try to attack nor run, he just glared with eyes more fearful then angry at the animatronic dog -It's name was Fetch apparently, or at least the collar said that- and clung to Millie.

Getting back was going to be a little bit of a problem -Plus figuring out where Greg was going to stay- but for now all Millie was focused on doing was gently hugging Greg and whispering softly that she was proud of him for staying alive, which he did look a bit confused about but he didn't seem to quite know the high death rate of people involved with strange incidents that involved Fazbear C.O.

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