Chap 5 -Repairing the bear step 2: Repairing connections & friendships- |MILLIE|

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Millie tried to put off meeting Dylan and apologising as long as she could, not because she didn't want to apologize but because she didn't quite know what to say.

Her Grandfather however had asked her to see if she could find any of the proper parts for Bon Bon -and maybe some paint- as she seemed to instinctively know what she needed and what was wrong, a talent she didn't know what to think of.

"Millie?! I'd thought you'd be like at the graveyard thinking about how poetic death is or something, not staring at a shelf full of mechanical joints while, admittedly looking somewhat terrible" A familiar voice called out, causing her to freeze in her search for the right shoulder joint for Bon Bon -as that was the issue with his arm-.

"D-dylan? What are you doing here?" She asked, turning around, nervously fiddling with her necklace, making sure to hold it close to her chest so it was better protected.

"I-i'm sorry for everything" She whispered, lowering her head, her grip on the necklace reminding her that for she knew the strange magic keeping her 'alive' could fail next week.

"I mean it" She added, glancing briefly at her arm and admitting that he was right, her skin looked a bit paler then it should be and the bags under her eyes were indeed present, and making sure people who looked at her knew that she hadn't been getting the sleep she needed -nightmares about that night keeping her up-.

"I didn't mean to hurt you" she lifted her head and met his eyes, trying to hold back the memories of how her only other friendship had ended


She felt a shudder run down her spine but ignored it and the sudden, burning fire deep down in her joints and heart as she remembered, remembered the claws from her finger, the fur, how it had felt so right but also so wrong.

"Sorry doesn't make it better" Dylan responded, expression impassive, although she guessed he was thinking of how vulnerable she looked right now, shivering faintly, skin a tiny bit to pale and obviously lacking sleep.

"Could you at least explain though?" Dylan asked, reaching out as if to touch Millie's shoulder but pausing when she backed away slightly.

Explain it she did, the emotions coming at her like they were a huge wave and she was a lone surfer caught off guard, she didn't even bother glossing over how bad the end to her last friendship had been, just glossed over how exactly it had ended.

"Maybe we can try starting over?" Dylan suggested after taking a minute to process everything, Millie just simply gave him a 'what' look.

"I-i guess I'd like that yeah" She whispered, offering a small smile, the fire calming down a bit, although the cold metal of the necklace around her neck reminded her once again of how she might not have gotten to apologize to Dylan at all, as it's kinda hard to apologize to someone when your six feet under and headless.

"I think you'd like Brooke, She may not seem like she would like it but she actually has her own paintball gun! And she has shot me with it a couple times" Dylan added the second part after a second, after she gave him a surprised look.

"She sounds a lot different then she looks" Millie admitted, thinking about how basic and beautiful Brooke looked, nothing like Millie with her dark/black makeup, pale skin and freakish, hidden traits.

"Yeah, she is a lot different then she seems from first glance" Dylan said, a faith blush creeping onto his cheeks, Millie couldn't even bring herself to feel anything she had previously at reminders of Dylan and Brooke's relationship, sure she could still remember what she felt, but it just wasn't there anymore, rather she actually felt slightly happy for them.

"What happened to you though? I mean, you started shaking out of nowhere and your clutching that necklace like it's a lifeline" Dylan said, moving to grab the necklace, she defensively moved it away, not trusting Dylan with it, especially if he didn't know why she was so defensive of it, sure he probably wouldn't try to yank it off her neck but she wasn't taking the chance.

"I'm fine, just a little bit cold" She responded, refusing to explain the reason behind the shaking -the fire in her joints, the ache of her fingernails, no, she wouldn't push him away with it-.

"Maybe.... Me, you and Brooke could try meeting up sometime this week?" She offered, trying to throw him off the trial, to hide what the necklace did and the cause of the shaking -the fire-.

"Sure! I'll talk to Brooke about it, just let me know what time you'd like to meet up" Dylan said, thankfully leaving the matter about the necklace alone -and the shaking.... The fire-.

"I have to go, my mom's probably waiting for me" Dylan said before leaving, his vibrant ginger hair seeming to shine in the light from the overhead store lights.

She sighed softly before returning to the task at hand, finding the right replacement shoulder joint for Bon Bon and seeing if her weird talent for knowing what was wrong and want was needed could tell her what paint colors to get for Bon Bon.

Her hand started shaking though and she examined it, freezing when she realized that her nails looked a bit to pointy though

~claws coated in blood, her friends screams~

it was simply a trick of the light though, because that was crazy, her fingernails couldn't randomly become sharper, she wasn't a shifter.

She grabbed the part and then checked the paint section, and apparently her odd talent applied to finding the right paint colors, which was nice, at least Bon Bon wouldn't like wake up and wonder why his paint color was wrong.

Although.... Both Bon Bon and Funtime Freddy's casing looked a bit off, like thick, dense fur, which left the question of why their casing texture was like that, and whether the paint would stick properly to it.

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